So, hunting season in the upper mid-west is primarily over. What do you do to re-charge your batteries and get ready for shed hunting and turkey season? Followed closely by food plots of course.
I’m going to do a little ice fishing for the next 6-10 weeks. I need to make sure I don’t miss any deadlines for some out west elk hunts I’m trying to draw. I plan to go through all my gear totes in the next few weeks. Take out anything I didn’t use once last fall. Put it in that tote that never gets opened but always makes the trips. I’m also building a permanent archery target for the farm back home. Lastly, I’m going to make a To Do list for the spring/summer for the land in SD.
I also plan to spend lots of time with the kids on the weekends since they are the ones who suffer the most when I’m gone hunting. Although I’m sure my wife would like to argue that point.
So, what do you do this time of year?