New Year’s Resolutions

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  • cougareye
    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143


    Another tool I’ve found helpful since I carry my PDA everywhere I go is an app called MyFitnessPal. It’s basically a calorie counter, but it is amazing how many things are pre-programmed.

    Wondering how much that Taco Bell taco will cost you? How about a can of Coors Light? Plus it has all the healthy stuff too.

    For me it is a walking (can I afford to eat that) resource. I have a daily goal, which is adjusted to reflect a workout (ie I get to eat more when I work out).

    Programs like Insanity state that you MUST eat significantly to have the energy to do the program. When I workout, I have approx, 2300 daily calorie intake limit. When you eat right, that is a ton of food, fyi!!

    Just about to workout here now and I’ll be 10% through the program!!


    PS, great read Brad!

    Posts: 7

    Hi Guys,

    I maybe a little late in the game here, but I have also started working out this year. I have let myself go to far, I just hopes it’s not too late to recover

    I can tell I have lost some wieght already, the pants are a little loose again so thats a start.

    Keeping it moving forward will be the hardest for me.

    I might just get on a scale and check it out after reading this.

    My end goal is to pick up where I left off in waterfowl hunting again.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    Who is still at it?

    I was wondering about my sanity this morning at 5 AM as I was doing P90X in the living room. Still committed though, and down about 15 lbs. Monday night I decided to jog to the school track, run 100 yard sprints, walk the circle, and sprint again. Man talk about an azz kicking.

    It does feel better to drop some weight, get in a little better shape and not get tired walking up stairs

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’m not making any ground, but I’ve also not been outside like I had planned. I’ve got a ton of excuses though…

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Still going. I’m down over 40 lbs Still working at breaking that 200 lb barrier, but I am very close. I am looking forward to logging some miles on my bike once the weather gets nice!

    Shoreview, MN
    Posts: 723


    I’m not making any ground, but I’ve also not been outside like I had planned. I’ve got a ton of excuses though…

    I can help you hang or build a better hamper so you will once again have access to your elliptical machine

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666


    Still going. I’m down over 40 lbs Still working at breaking that 200 lb barrier, but I am very close. I am looking forward to logging some miles on my bike once the weather gets nice!

    That is sweet Ryan. Congrats. The last time I was under 200 lbs, I was still in High School. I am hoping to get the bike on the road also. It is great exercise for me and the dog.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764


    That is sweet Ryan. Congrats. The last time I was under 200 lbs, I was still in High School. I am hoping to get the bike on the road also. It is great exercise for me and the dog.

    Middle school, for me. I wrestled 171 as an 8th grader. Then, I hit a growth spurt, hit 205 my freshman year, and wrestled heavyweight from then on!

    I love biking, and I usually get Floyd out for a few miles, too, as long as it’s not too hot.

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    I was sick of coming up with excuses to not do get started. I am the type of guy who needs someone to help me get motivated and stay on track. With that being said, I took an idea of a Fitness/Wellness program to the guys down at the fire hall. It was very well received and we are starting on April 2nd. Very easy going with light calisthenics, body weight lifting (sit-ups, push-ups, squats and such) and progressing from there. It will be good for everyone on the department and keep me interested and motivated at the same time.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666


    It will be good for everyone on the department and keep me interested and motivated at the same time.

    I think the motivation is the hardest part, and it sure helps having guys push you and give you a little he// if you miss a workout! I even like checking in here and seeing how everyone is doing. Every little bit helps

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Finished week 3 of Insanity yesterday! 30% through the program. Feeling good, my core strength is improving, not great yet, but I’ve found out how far I’d let myself go.

    Wife says she can really see the weight starting to drop and is jealous!! I start week 4 on Saturday!!


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Are you guys taking any kind of vitamin supplements? If so, what?

    Also, I’m constantly hearing commercials for a testosterone supplement. Anyone looked into the validity of these? I’m thinking I should just call my Dr. to get some info.

    I simply can’t find the energy/motivation to work out at night. I start my day at 5:15AM in the hopes I’m in the office by 7AM. I work in a professional environment so working out over lunch isn’t an option because I refuse to be a sweaty mess sitting at my desk. Unfortunately it takes me a good 45 – 60 minutes to cool down or as my wife says, “sweat hog”. I need to find a way to get the energy at night after I put the kids down. I’m generally pretty much dead at that point. I’ve considered trying the 5 hour energy drinks to get me going initially. Again, not sure that’s such a healthy choice either.

    I’m sure you are thinking like an old friend of mine told me, “Suck it up Sally!”.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143


    I don’t think its a question of “sucking it up”, what I see in your post message is one many struggle with. That’s taking time for you. You get up early to get a good start on your workday, then you don’t consider working out until after the kids are put to bed. If staying in shape/being healthy is important to you, you have to find a way to prioritize it within your day.

    Either in the am, over lunch, or when you get home but long before the kids go to bed. I’ve worked in office jobs for years and understand the pressure of the appearance of taking a long lunch. But, if your boss knows you’re in early could you workout for 45 minutes, then get in a shower, end up taking 1.25-1.5 hours for lunch, but hey you deserve it!! That’s where I would start, but make sure your boss is on board.

    Good luck!

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666


    Finished week 3 of Insanity yesterday! 30% through the program. Feeling good, my core strength is improving, not great yet, but I’ve found out how far I’d let myself go.

    Wife says she can really see the weight starting to drop and is jealous!! I start week 4 on Saturday!!


    How do you like the insanity? I am doing the P90X. It is a good workout from a strength and toning perspective, but I get little to nothing out of it from an aerobic perspective. When I get done I am tired, and my muscles hurt, but I am not breathing hard at all.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143


    I’ve been reading on the, don’t laugh, team beachbody website (this is the sponsored site of both P90X and Insanity) that a combination or hybrid of P90X plus Insanity is a great way to go for both.

    One thing I’m starting to see, at age 45, is that once the fat comes off that I’ve lost muscle and muscle tone. Some fat has come off my arms that shows pathetically poorly toned muscles underneath. I’ve decided that once I’m through Insanity’s 60 days, my goal, that I’ll add a weight program. Don’t know if I’ll do P90X or not as I have a “Total Gym” at home. Perhaps I’ll just startusing that machine after warming up with Insanity.

    But to your question, I love the Insanity workouts. They absolutely kick my . I probably am only able to do about 70-80% of each workout, but that % is improving each week. And my heart rate is at 130-155, max is 170 the entire time!!

    It’s working for me.


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I admire you guys who can use those workout products.

    I got one heck of a workout yesterday. I had to chip ice for 3 hours pulling our hockey boards apart and carrying them off the ice. Now if I could just find a project like that every day.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764


    I admire you guys who can use those workout products.


    Personally, I know I am not going to maintain a workout regime. I did enough working out in high school and college, and really, I am kind of glad to see a lot of that muscle mass gone (tone is great, but I didn’t need the bulk I had built). Without hard workouts, the bulk just got flabby
    I am satisfied with “hobby fitness”–doing things I enjoy that give me exercise. Eating right is something that I think I can maintain, so that is my main route of weight loss.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I still can’t hardly lift my arms over my head.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    Thanks for the info Eric. I considered going to that website, but just could not get myself to do it

    I have found that once i get myself going, you feel guilty not doing it. On days that I take off, have too much going on, or flat out get lazy I feel terrible, both mentally and physically. You just feel better after a good workout. I don’t think there is any way I could do it if it was not first thing in the morning.

    Ryan, I am right there with you and I think you and I have a very similar body size and shape. When I was playing football, I was right around 275 of pretty solid weight, but now at 225 I feel like a wimpy loser. I actually enjoy the feeling of “tired” when you are done.

    I have also found that it helps to have someone to workout with. My wife actually got me started again, and she is down 15 lbs now. Having her getting up to workout, cooking better, and pushing each other really helps.

    I am still trying to figure out though, why some days I can get out and run 5 miles and not even breath hard, and Sunday we went out and made it about a block before I thought I was going to die

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    To clarify, I’ve never had bulk in terms of muscle. I think I’ve read that after age 35 or so, you naturally lose muscle tone if you don’t do something to maintain. So now imagine a guy who never had mass with 10 years of loss. The muscles in my arms now look grossly odd, so I just want to put them back to normal looking. I’m not looking to bulk up.


    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Just wrapping up week 7 (actually 8 but the recovery week in the middle is not numbered) of Insanity.

    I will wrap up the program a week from Thursday, take Friday off as normal, then do the 3 missed workouts (work trips and 1 day on vacation) then do the final fit test the following Wednesday.

    I’m guessing I’ll end up in the 10-15 lbs weight loss category, maybe more. I’m already planning out a hybrid program after I’m done with completing my initial goal of completing Insanity.


    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Great job! I was wondering how some of the rest of you were doing.

    I got below 200 a few weeks ago, and I am flirting with my overall weight loss goal. I think I would have hit it this week, but I weigh in on Monday mornings and Sunday was Easter–let’s just say I indulged a bit more than I should have. But, I am back on track and am going to hit my 50 lb mark very soon!

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Great job Eric and Ralph! That is awesome!

    I’m still hitting it hard too and I’m in my 4th week of P90X. It’s a grind but I’m sticking with it and also mixing in some long distance running and biking. I weighed myself yesterday and hit the 195 mark! Not sure how low I want to go but I’m now focusing on muscle tone and endurance.

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    I’m on week 3, yep I finally got it together and started. I’m doing 3-4 days a week of cardio/strength training. Ran the stairs and trails out at Oxbow Park this morning for 45 minutes I’m feeling so much better already, soon the pounds will start to shed off and my goal of getting below 200 will be reached (Hopefully) by the end of summer. The best thing is I have anywhere from 8-12 of my firefighting brothers doing this with me so I really don’t think there will be a chance of wusing out down the road. The bad thing is this is the heaviest I’ve ever started out. I can honestly say (with a little bit of shame and humility) that I was 245 when I started It’s amazing how quickly I got up to that point considering I was down to 200 just 3 years ago. Oh well, keep pounding away.

    Good work everyone on keeping motivated and good luck on reaching your goals.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    I have not been around much in a while with the new career, but I am doing great. The fire fighting workouts have been tough, but I am below 220 for the 1st time since junior year of high school. I feel like I’m. Back in fall football camp, but feeling great. Had to run 2 miles to see where we are and I was able to be right around 7 minute miles. I felt good about that. If I see another flight of stairs (or 50) it may put me over the edge because we run a 7 story building about 15 times a day, but it is a great workout.

    I do need to hit the store since I don’t have clothes that fit.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764


    I do need to hit the store since I don’t have clothes that fit.

    I need to go again. The “thin jeans” that I bought are now too big. I guess that is a good problem to have

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Great job guys!!!

    Insanity is in the books. I feel great. I need a new belt, jeans, etc. But that’s a good thing.

    I bought another workout from Beachbody called RevAbs as I feel my greatest need is in the core. I’m also going with RevAbs as the workouts are shorter and I can use my TotalGym to do some weight work.

    I wish I owned a scale, but the results of Insanity are obvious to those that see me daily. That’s all I need!!


    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I did it! 50 lbs in 6 months!!!

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    WOW, good for you man

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    WTG Ralph!!! The best tool in the weight loss business is that scale!!!


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