New Year’s Resolutions

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Now you need to get the graemlins working in this

    Sorry Dan…that won’t happen. Because it’s open…as in folks don’t have to be registered to post here…we get a TON of crap. Which is the reason we can’t post links here either…

    This forum would be a very very non family forum.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Let’s hear them from a hunting/fishing perspective.

    Mine are:

    Establish a timeframe and plan for a Western state mountain Elk hunt! Preferrably Wyoming or Utah but will consider all.

    Learn how to fish for trout. We have many good trout areas in W. WI and I’d like to learn them. Something I could run and do quickly without having the hassle’s of dealing with my boat. Plus, if I learn to fly fish, I could combine these two trips, a fly fishing trip and an elk hunt!!

    I’ve just come back from Utah for the second straight year and just love it out there. I need to get this elk hunt accomplished before I get too old!!


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Lose 35 pounds so when fall comes, I’m ready to hit the woods hard. Right now I’m a fat toad that couldn’t drag a buck to save my life. My biggest challenge will be my diet. Cutting out some of the high calorie beer probably won’t hurt either. I’m gonna miss you beer!!


    I’ve got a couple this year for hunting.

    #1:) Get on the bobcat and clear out another 1/4 acre of woods to establish a larger food plot behind the cabin.

    #2.) Have all my stands hung, limbed out and entry/exit routes cleared by August 1st.

    Posts: 6441

    Repeat 2011

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764


    Lose 35 pounds so when fall comes, I’m ready to hit the woods hard.

    Good luck, Kooty! I started in October and am down 30 lbs right now. I’m shooting to hit the 200 lb mark — 14 more lbs to go! The downside is that I need to buy new clothes

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143


    Any programs you used to get down 30? I’d also like to hit 200 and this puts me right in the need to lose 30-35 as well.

    Perhaps an IDO hunting weight loss club to keep us all motivated!!!


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’ve got the Insanity tapes that I tried a year ago. Hate the little skinny gals who can whip my on EVERY exercise. I’m gonna mix it up this time. Insanity a couple nights a week. Walking outdoors with a weighted pack so many days a week. Lastly, old fashioned push ups, sit ups and pull ups.

    I’m embarrassed to say what winds me now days. My cardio is my number one concern. I’m not concerned about getting “stronger” or ripped like Tony Horton.

    For the record, as of January 2nd, 2012 I hit the scales at 251 lbs. Let’s keep this thread alive and see where we end up in June.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I enrolled in Weight Watchers for Men online. It has really helped me to make smarter food choices and to keep track of what I eat. You can eat what you want, but it helps make you accountable for your choices.

    I will say that my beer intake has dropped quite a bit, but I have also drastically dropped my cholesteral and triglycerides, and I am looking and feeling better!

    I started on October 10th at 244 and weighed in January 2nd at 214. And honestly, aside from twice-a-day walks with the dog, I haven’t worked out.

    I love to waterski, and I am excited to find out how much less wear & tear it puts on my body 45 lbs lighter!

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143


    Let’s keep this thread alive and see where we end up in June. quote]

    Let’s do that, but checking in every 6 mos. won’t keep us very motivated. How about 1 time per month?


    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Back to the outdoor stuff, anybody have experience with an outfitter or DIY in Wyoming or Utah?

    Anyone want to team up? Doesn’t have to be this fall, just want to have a plan by years end.


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Ya, of course. I’m just curious to see if I make any progress overall by then. It’s easy to sit here motivated to work out until I get home, cook supper, put kids to bed then try to get motivated…

    Fairfax, IOWA
    Posts: 408

    I had good results with p90x about a year ago. I lost 10 in the first 3 weeks then fell off. Starting again tonight. What I really like about it is the whole body aspect that the workouts provide. I felt much stronger and MUCH more flexible after a few workouts. The downside of it is the length of workouts which range from 1 hr to 1.5 hrs. with ab workouts.

    craig daugherty
    Osseo, Mn
    Posts: 688

    I did the P-90X last year with my brother. I lost 25lbs in 45 days. The key to the program is diet, means low carbs, no fast food and try to have someone do this program with you. One can get side tracked very easy convincing oneself to skip a day or two. I ended up losing 31 pounds by the end of the program.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    2012 – #1 goal. Keep my girls on the correct path in life

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Great Job with your goals guys! The weightloss thing is always tough. I’ve always said “the hardest part of working out is putting your shoes on” ANd for me that is the truth. Once I’ve committed to that the rest is easy.

    For me in 2012 hunting wise my resolution is to add 3 foodplots to my home hunting ground. We have issues holding deer every year and I think I have my dad and bro convinced to work up some ground.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    I have a few major life changing things coming in my life this year that will mean more time with the family. I hope this puts me in the boat and the woods more. I hope this equates to more time with my kids doing the things I love and can share with them. My other goals for the year.

    1. Make a few check marks on my bucket list. One thing I would like to do is work with a commercial fisherman on the river for a couple days just to see how it is done. If anyone could point me in the right direction please let me know

    2. Take my Dad fishing more and get him on a big flathead.

    3. Finish all my loose ends at my cabin. Kitchen cabs will be done any day and this is a last big project but there are a few more minor items that I need to complete.

    4. Stop and smell the roses.

    Central, MN
    Posts: 1110

    The best way to lose weight is also the hardest way to lose weight…. Cardiovascular Exercise. Losing weight is the easy part. Like Craig D said, it’s about diet and eating foods with less Carbs, Sugar, and Calories. The real challenge is maintaining the weight loss once you’ve cut down.

    I’m still able to eat anything I want at age 34 and maintain my weight by staying active. I suggest doing something that you love several times a week. If you can get paid to do it? All the better. For example, I ref youth and high school hockey in the winter. This helps me to stay active and I don’t have to go to the gym to get the results I’m looking for.

    When I was younger, the goal was to hit the gym, pump some iron, and bulk up. Now things are changing and it doesn’t take a whole lot to achieve success. Just 4-5 times a week for 3-4 months and you will see and feel results.

    Cutting out beer (Kooty), pizza, deep fried food, and pop are essential if you want to keep the weight off. I can’t say I’m a saint and have anywhere close to all the answers but, by cutting out the above alone or at the very least minimizing them, you should see results.

    Now everyone has me pumped to shed a few lbs. Good Luck Guys and Happy New Year

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001


    Ya, of course. I’m just curious to see if I make any progress overall by then. It’s easy to sit here motivated to work out until I get home, cook supper, put kids to bed then try to get motivated…

    Kooty, its simple. Eat less, move more. At least it sounds simple. Your pretty analytical. Maybe weight wathchers would be a good fit? My wife started that recently and its working very well. Finding exercise time during the day could be key. That’s the only way I can do it. My wife offices in an older building near you and even they have a crappy little workout center. Maybe yours does too? Whatever you do figure out a way not to cut your beer!

    Shoreview, MN
    Posts: 723

    Mine is simple…put an arrow through a mature buck…the same as it is every year . I have many things I want to change and develop on the land where I hunt but from the resolution perspective I do not want it to be a to-do list. I want to understand more about mature bucks behaviors and try to make better decisions about where to sit on any given day. I will start by creating a log book and entering every piece of information available to me at the end of each weekend and see where it goes from there. Good luck sticking to your goals boys , never quit

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1383

    Mike you are dead on. Kooty, weight loss is all about calories in vs. calories burned. Let’s face it, we aren’t getting younger, we work in an office, we eat and drink what we like to eat and drink. Unless some life changing health issue comes along, we aren’t too likely to make an enormous change.
    Getting back to calories…At your age and build, I’d guess you can safely consume 2500-2900 daily and as long as it’s the right stuff, you won’t gain a pound. Now, start adding footsteps to your day. Some stuff is simple like take the long way to the coffee maker, copier, and bathroom at work. Take a 15 minute break in the a.m. and p.m. and just get up and get moving. You don’t have to sweat, just move. If you do that and add 30 minutes of cardio at the end of your day each day, you’d be amazed. In 2007 I weighed 243. I made some small adjustments like above and lost 43 pounds over the course of a year. And for the most part, I’ve kept them off. Sure I go up and down 5-10 pounds over the holidays etc, but in large part I’ve stayed active and kept the weight off.
    Make a small weekly goal and stay with it. This isn’t The Biggest Loser. If you can take off one pound each week, that’s about 400 more calories a day burned than consumed, that’s 50 pounds by next Christmas. Merry Christmas to Kooty if you can hit 200 pounds.
    Good luck!

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    I made the call today and ordered the Insanity program. I need something I can do on the road. Can’t count on getting to the Y 3-4X a week when I’m on the road 50-70% of the time.

    Hope to start next weekend!!


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’m starting out slow. I walked a couple miles the other day fishing. I’m embarrassed to admit just how sore I was….

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    …for this year I am going to knock down a 1/2 acre area of 25′ tall Sumac and till it up and put in a food plot and build a stand on a trail to it.


    Isn’t sumac a natural deer food… I thought that was one of the better plants for them… I haven’t looked this over again, but…

    Info on Sumac as Deer Food

    What will the deer eat?

    Probably the top selections for deer are arrowwood, aspen/hybrid poplar, cedar, chestnut, crabapple, grape, hawthorn, mountain ash, ninebark, oak, with acorns from English, a clear favorite, sumac and silky dogwood.

    If you are in a heavy deer area and won’t fence plant everything 2′ apart or closer since will be eaten before it can bear fruit. Aspen or sumac can be planted 50′ apart since they will spread by their roots.

    At any rate I googled “sumac as deer food”… and found the above stuff… I am interested because I am looking at some natural items to enhance deer browse cheaply…


    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Today was Day 2 of Insanity workout. I held off for a few weeks to time a recovery portion of it with spring break.

    After Day 1, I told the wife she better keep an eye on me for a few hours. I felt awful. I had muscles aching today I didn’t know I had. But I did Day 2. And right now, I feel great!!

    I know it’s early, but Im determined to make it.


    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    Keep at it man!!!


    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    Way to go Cougar. Those workout are tough! I have been running most days, starting at about a mile and am now up to about 5. Then on odd days I will do the P90x workouts.

    From a guy who used to be in the gym 6 days a week in my younger days, I know that my muscles are there

    It is amazing that every little thing you do makes you feel a little bit better We all have to start somewhere, and without taking the first steps, we can never get to the end

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Great job guys for those that are committed to getting into shape.

    I too have made this a priority and a new years resolution. It’s a life style change and you have to work it into your daily routine.

    For me it’s doing the following things:

    1. Eating the right foods
    2. Calories in and calories out
    3. And exercising

    Lucky for me I have a wife who’s is excellent shape. She’s taught me a lot about living a healthy life.

    In regard to eating the right foods – I try and cut down on foods that are high in saturated and trans fat.

    I avoid High Fat Dairy Products such as cheese, cream, butter, whole milk or 2% milk, ice cream, high fat yogurt, cream cheese, cottage cheese etc… Instead: I Drink skim milk versus whole milk or 2%. Use low fat butter versus regular butter. Eat frozen yogurt versus ice cream. Eat low fat greek yogurt versus high fat yogurt. Use red based marinara sauces versus cream based sauces.

    Avoid commercially prepared baked foods such as cakes, croissants, pies, cookies, biscuits, doughnuts, bars etc…

    Avoid deep fried foods such as deep fried chicken with the skin on, french fries, breaded fish, chicken nuggets, onion rings, tator tots, corn dogs, fried shrimp etc… Instead eat baked potatos, sweet potatos, broiled or baked chicken without the skin, steamed shrimp.

    Avoid high fat snacks such as potato chips, buttered popcorn, crackers etc… Instead eat fruit, veggies, pickles, pretzels, baked chips.

    Avoid high fat red meat such as prime rib, short ribs, high fat burger, briskit, T-Bone, Ribeye, lamb and high fat pork etc… Eat red meat that is low in fat such as a fillet, venison, low fat burger, bison etc..

    Avoid processed meat such as salami, bacon, hot dogs, brats and high fat lunch meat. Eat turkey or chicken without the skin, baked or broiled fish without breading, low fat ham. Use mustard versus high fat mayo on your sandwiches.

    Use low fat dressing on your salad. Avoid high fat croutons.

    Cut down on pop and alcohol in your diet due to the high calories. Drink water, crystal lite, totato juice instead.

    Read the labels in the grocery store before you buy. Pay attention to the portion size as it relates to the grams of fat. If you don’t buy it, you can’t eat it.

    The goal is to eat 5 smaller meals a day versus 2 or 3 big ones. You never want to feel full or hungry. When your meal intake is unpredictable, your body will reserve fat because it doesn’t know when it will be fed again.

    And excercise! I’ve been hitting the treadmill hard. I try and burn 500-1000 calories a day by hiking at a steep incline. To me it doesn’t matter how long it takes me as long as I hit the goal for the day. Sometimes I break it up and do a workout in the morning and one in the evening. I’ve now started lifting weights as well.

    These things are working for me and since Jan 1 – I’ve lost 20 lbs.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764


    These things are working for me and since Jan 1 – I’ve lost 20 lbs.

    Great job! Things are slowing for me, but I am continuing to lose weight and am getting pretty close to my goal (in reality, I have hit my initial goal). I will be sub-200 lbs very shortly, and last time I was under 200, I was in 8th grade (1995)!

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    I just finished the Baconator from Wendy’s……Yup, I’m weak. I’ve been telling myself for 3 weeks now “I’m starting tomorrow”

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