how careful is too careful

  • jeff6771
    Posts: 87

    why put it away so early two of the best months to fish are oct. and nov.?

    Posts: 247

    No time, because that is the same time that the honey-do list “bite” is in full swing.

    Posts: 235

    I used to think that going out hunting meant you have to be sent free, head to toe in camo, only move the whites of your eyes, go out at 4am sit until after dark, watch the birds “cause deer react to how birds fly” and lots of other wise tails like that. at what point does all that become BS!! I am convinced you need to do all these things. pleases whats the least i can do to kill a deer. not saying I am lazy I am just going crazy over thinking things

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13708

    Hard to say…some years the opportunity just doesn’t happen. My 13 year old daughter had multiple small bucks around her every day, for 5 straight during our gun deer season. She has been sitting with me when ever she can since she was 8. Never had a buck within 300 yards of us while she was in a stand with me. Like I told her this year, if you do everything right and sit long enough, eventually one will make a mistake.

    Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    x2 Being in the right place at the right time is the key. We do the rest of the stuff to improve our odds. I prefer to do anything I can to help my chances. That way I have less doubts on what I could have done differently.

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    IMHO its all about zip code! You can do everything by the book and if there not there you wont get the shot and you will drive yourself nuts! If you do your home work and isolate the limited resource in your enviroment and play the wind 100% of the time you will get your shot. Scent can be controled but never eliminated. I rarly ever sit all day unlss the weather is nasty and Im on a good food source. Minnesota has been VERY tuff on ALOT of guys this year. With the numbers low AS THEY ARE when the deer start to herd up alot of square miles arent going to have any deer but if you can get yourself in a hot bed of activity you should see lots of deer. I have been seeing an average of about 4 deer per hunt, thats an average on some farms I see none til after dark but on others I m seeing a half dozen or more at dusk. Morning hunts have never really been my cup of tea unless I can get into larger blocks of timber as most hunts in the farm land consist of clearing the feild on the way into the stand then seeing nothing the rest of the morning. As soon as it becomes not fun your being to careful!

    Posts: 2998

    It has been a tough year around here this year, I normally have 4 deer on the ground by now.

    “No matter how much i hunt white-tail deer, every hunt yields knowledge. The challenge is recognizing the lessons, because they are just as important as the shoulder mount, and back straps I take home”

    This is the quote I live by when it comes to deer hunting. When I started hunting I did things the way I was taught to. I had some luck yea, but it wasn’t till I started to try to look for the things in each hunt that did or didn’t work in my favor. I think location is key, but you also have to fall into a grove that works for you. The first few years I was hunting I had luck here and there, but wasn’t sure why I was seeing or killing deer when I was. I like to try to keep a metal log of every time I hunt remembering what has worked and why it did, as well as why I may not have seen deer. Keep your chin up read about how deer act and always ask questions, and try to think about past hunts…..such as ok I seen some deer tonight what where they doing what was the wind direction, where they were heading from/to. Just don’t beat yourself up about when things don’t pan out try to learn from every sit its all a big chess match, one of your sits when you pull the trigger you can smile and whisper “check mate”.

    Posts: 539


    I used to think that going out hunting meant you have to be sent free, head to toe in camo, only move the whites of your eyes, go out at 4am sit until after dark, watch the birds “cause deer react to how birds fly” and lots of other wise tails like that. at what point does all that become BS!! I am convinced you need to do all these things. pleases whats the least i can do to kill a deer. not saying I am lazy I am just going crazy over thinking things

    I wash my clothes in regular detergent. Usually get up about 6 and have a nice shower and breakfast. Roll out around 7:30 or 8 depending on how far I’m walking. Get up to where I’m headed and glass until I find my target. Then I stalk to a good range and shoot. No scent free BS, no worrying about spooking game. Of course I hate sitting so it’s all spot/stalk for me.

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