Looking for fundraiser ideas

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    I volunteered to help out with a group of kids that my daughter goes to school with. They are going on a Washington DC trip in March. After going to the parents meeting, and reading over the itinerary, I think its a great opportunity for these kids to see the incredible monuments representing our history as a nation.
    The biggest problem locally here for doing any fund raisers is the pure volume of which everyone is bombarded by it. Every sports team and activity group is desperate for money, and I think most are exhausted of seeing it.
    Looking for any creative ideas that anyone may suggest that we could use to put a fresh spin on it. The ultimate goal is $500.00 per kid for 28 kids = $14,000. Realistically, I’m sure we won’t raise that kind of money, but every penny counts right now.

    Shoreview, MN
    Posts: 723

    I was hoping to see some ideas pop up here because I had none. For me to participate in any fundraiser I don’t mind overpaying but like to get something I can use or need. A wild game feast might be unique in your area or any other meal? People gotta eat!

    Trempealeau County, WI
    Posts: 424

    Todders is spot-on! When I was a teacher & coach I was part of many fundraisers. It seemed that the easiest, least invasive, and most supported fundraisers involved food (i.e. spaghetti feasts, grill feasts, buffet feasts, wild game feasts…). Creative games and/or fun events that involve the entire family have also proven to be successful (i.e. donkey basketball, llama runs, “educational” gambling…).
    The secret in getting people to take action and help is to offer them something that they want, need, or like. Furthermore, if you can find something that people want, need, AND like you’re in business!
    Good Luck!

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    Our Fire Department does a pancake Breakfast and a Dance. We also sell ad space on an annual calendar.

    Town Supported Discount Cards, where the businesses are listed on a card that you can get discounts at. Usually sell the card for $10.00-$20.00. Businessess like Subway, Gas Station, Pizza Place, Salons….There must be a website for a company to help out with set up.

    Good Luck, Hope everything works out.

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