Land Question

  • fish509
    St. Michael
    Posts: 139

    I am starting the process to find land to purchase. I am looking for land to bow hunt. Need enough room for two guys to bow hunt. We would obviously like good land to manage for deer and turkey, but would like to hunt bear.

    My questions at this point are; what areas in Minnesota should we start to look based on what we want, and how much should we expect to pay? Also, how much land do you guys think we need?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22891

    From what I am familar with, I would start looking North of Hwy 23 and East of Milaca. This is good deer ground and the start of some decent Bear ground. I cannot attest to Turkeys, but I know there are good numbers 20 miles north of there. Depending on the land and size of woods, 5 acres could be enough, or it could take as much as 40. Depends on how much food plotting you want to do and if you get alot of hunters around you. Have fun land hunting

    Ogilvie Minnesota
    Posts: 600

    I would have to agree with G. I have land near Mora and there are plenty of deer and turkey.
    There is a block of land ( I think about 40 acres ) up for sale in an online auction on county rd 60,or 180th av. Near Ogilvie that butts up to state land that is only accessible via private property if you have permission.

    Shoreview, MN
    Posts: 723

    The main thing I will be looking at if our family purchases more land will be the neighbors! A lot of hard work, a couple of years and a bit of money can create some awesome habitat but if you are surrounded by cooters there is no escaping them ! Good luck shopping.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I would also be very leary of land that borders state land. Everyone and their dog comes to sight in rifles, handguns etc…

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    I would also be very leary of land that borders state land. Everyone and their dog comes to sight in rifles, handguns etc…

    To a point Kooty, but that said having access to all that extra land can be very nice too…


    Posts: 6441

    If you have any plans of QDM I too would stay far away from public land. Good luck in your search !

    St. Michael
    Posts: 139

    Thanks for the ideas. The public land debate I hadn’t thought of.

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