Kid Boots?

  • Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    So before I go and destroy another couple sets of tennis shoes and make mom mad, where can a guy get some semi decent cost effective hunting boots for twin 10 year olds? Problem is they only wear these for one season and typically only go with me maybe 5-6 times at the most. I need to find the guy with the outdoor twin boy kids that are 11 and then ask for hand me downs I think, but I haven’t been that lucky!

    Posts: 9265

    My neibor past down his kids Rocky Bear Claws to my 10 year old a few years ago. While they are a very nice boot, it would be expensive to buy two pairs. Have you looked at something like a Fleet Farm for kids hiking boots? Otherwise My kids have worn the cheaper rubber boots from Walmart before and they seem to hold up ok.

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