Hi everyone. As I sit here tonight and type this this I can’t help but be upset. Over the Past few months life for me has been a roller coaster ride full of highs and lows. I know as many of you can relate to that as most of our deer seasons are full of them. I have never been the type to sit and vent to others about the problems I have in life but I feel the need to to help as a reminder to others to never forget how special the little things in life are.
About three months ago me and my girlfriend of almost ten years started having some problems being high school sweethearts with two beautiful children, we came to the decision to take a break and work on the problems we were having. Shortly after I wondered if that may have been the right choice as I was missing my little ones daily. Shortly after our “break” we ended up going our own ways. It was only then that I would think back to all the times we shared, thinking was it really that bad?
Her dad, uncle, and grandpa had become really close hunting partners of mine. I had been hunting with them since shortly after me, and her started dating almost ten years ago. Being the outcast in the group because I used a compound bow, and her whole family was really big into the traditional archery. They were into making all of their own arrows, strings, even her uncle made his own bows. They would all just stress to me about not to forget the roots of the sport, and it’s not always about how big the rack is, but sharing the memories with friends and family. Last year I told myself I would try it out, and I did just that spending the last half of the archery season with some cedar arrows her grandpa made me and a long bow in hand with little luck.
It was within a week or so after our split up I got a phone call from her explaining her grandpa was sick with cancer. After my grandpa passed away about six years ago, her grandpa had kind of taken over the role as a grandparent to me. Well this morning I got the news I was afraid of getting. Her grandpa had passed on it hit me allot harder than I thought It would’ve. Not only do I feel like I do I feel like I lost another family member but also a damn close hunting partner. I can’t help but sit back all day thinking of all the stories we shared at the end of the night/morning hunts we shared in the same block of timber. But what I wanted to say with this post was, first of all I want to thank him for all he has done for me as well as taught me, and to let him know he will be missed dearly love you Clem!! And to remind everyone to cherish the little things in life you never know when the little things that mean the world to you could be gone.