1/2 ton vs. 3/4 ton dilema

  • TheMidwestHunter
    Posts: 124

    I’m having a hard time figuring out what size of truck I should get. Crew cab a must though. I “under trucked” myself with the one I have now and vowed that I will never do it again! Our next camper will be full hard side and who knows the exact weight…..could be 7-8000+ lbs possibly fully loaded with people and gear(no liquids). Most likely bumper pull/not 5th wheel. Normal camping will be within an hr or two from home…for sure 3hrs, but once the family gets older we’ll be headed to the black hills, etc…. I know a 1/2 ton “will pull” 8k, but do you want to go on a black hills trip with that wind? Should I just suck it up, buy the 1/2 ton and deal with not being able to keep a consistent 70-75mph on the freeways? Being that we really only camp 5-7 times a year…..would the extra $ on a 3/4 ton justify itself?

    Or just say screw it and go 3/4 ton and be done with it?? I’m so torn. ha, ha

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    When I was last looking, there was a tax/license ramification for buying 3/4 over the 1/2. Hopefully Corey will see this post and answer that.

    I chose the 1/2 this time. I know I’ll end up with a camper before I’m “done” with this and will suffer with the lack of performance for my needs for the 4-8 times we will camp a year.

    How many miles a year do you put on this truck when not towing the camper? Take that and figure 17MPG for a 1/2 vs. 12MPG for a 3/4. If that matters to you?

    hastings mn
    Posts: 1525

    the bigger question is weather you are comparing a 1/2 ton gas to a 3/4 ton diesel. because if you are comparing it to a 3/4 ton gas V8 and expecting to get better fuel economy or better power you will be MASSIVELY dissapointed. Remember the V8 in a 3/4ton is the same V8 thats in a half ton. sooooo since a 3/4 ton is a heavier truck and your motor can only move X amount of weight a 1/2 ton truck can pull almost the same amount of weight as a 3/4 ton. (hopefully Im making sence so far) the kicker of course would be if you are looking to get a diesel motor then everything Im just told you means nothing. the diesel will out pull a V8 all day long and twice on sundays but you also have the diesel fuel cost and the additional cost of the diesel motor.The place where a 3/4 ton will outshine a 1/2 is being able to “handle” a heavier load. ie cargo weight in the box or tounge weight on the hitch.
    most guys that only pull 4 or 5 times a year end up with the 1/2ton

    let me know if you have any more questions

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    If your camper is over 26′, get the diesel. For comparison, a 1/2 ton Dodge has a 5.7 litre Hemi, gets about 18 “honest” MPG, just tooling around. Hook a camper on and expect about 11 “honest” MPG, it will tow your camper, but can tell you, my buddy that had a 1/2 ton, that pulls his 27′ most weekends, maybe 80-100 miles, went on one trip to the Blackhills and came in when he got home and traded it in on the diesel A 3/4 ton Dodge with the Cummins, expect 18 “honest” just tooling around and about 15 “honest” pulling that same camper. And with the diesel, it won’t leave you wanting more I have heard alot less guys say they had “too much” pulling power…as opposed to not enough

    Posts: 124

    I am looking at a 1/2 gas vs 3/4 ton gas. If the motors in both were the same, then yes….why go with the 3/4, but they aren’t.

    A buddy of mine bought a 3/4 ton gas F250 a few months back and he’s getting 17-18mpg.

    Posts: 2389

    Old indian proverb… Those who underbuy buy twice.

    Waumandee, WI
    Posts: 695

    I just went through the same dilema. I ruled out the 3/4 gas pretty quick because the mileage was between 12-15. I really wanted a diesel but did not want to cough up 45g. Went with the 1/2 ton. I like it but there has already been times I wish I would have got the diesel. If you can swing it I would go with the diesel. They seem to hold there value pretty good.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    I pull a 30ft camper andf had a 1/2 ton dodge…now purchased a 3/4 ton GMC and love it. I would say go for the 3/4 ton but that’s just me. And I echo what big G said as well!

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    I pull a Ranger boat with a 2008 1/2 ton GMC. The boat is attached for about a 1/4 of actual miles and I avg all together after 18000 miles, 13.9 mpg. 17.5 hwy, 10.5 pulling boat basically.

    Like my dad says with his heavier trucks (bigger engines), “I get 13 loaded and 14 unloaded, I dont buy anymore gas than you do”

    On the other hand, I just pulled my boat 1000 miles with a 2010 Ford F150 with the 5.0 V8 and I was thoroughly impressed and I am not a Ford guy. Avg 12.5 mpg but more importantly, loved the torque and the harder suspension, ran like a cadillac while loaded.

    My boat weighs 4000 lbs loaded and I wish I had a bigger engine.

    My next vehicle will be a 3/4ton GMC with 6.0 V8…

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290

    If you can afford it, get a 3/4 ton diesel. You will never look back. If you want to talk to someone who just went through what you did, you should talk to a guy i work with. He had a half ton chevy 07 pulled his camper to SD,ND,MT, WY and then colorado and then came back home. His camper was about 9k. He said it was the worst trip of his life, could barely get up the hills, burned WAY more gas then he hada planned for. When he got back he went and bought a diesel and said he will never look back. You will be disapointed if you get a half ton and a bigger bumper pull camper. I would stay away from the 03-07 fords with the 6.0 diesel and the 06-08 chevy diesels. I own a 01 ford f350 with a 7.3 diesel and love it. They put a smile on your face everytime you go to pass that slow car on a 2 lane road and barely push the pedal down to blow by them

    Buffalo MN
    Posts: 104

    I bought a 1/2 ton Chevy a couple months ago. I only had to pull my 29′ camper once to the campsite and leave it. My mileage dropped from 17 MPG to 10 MPG. If I was going to be pulling alot of weight often I would go with the 3/4 ton also. Good luck with your decision.

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