Dangers of moving stands alone.

  • wiswalleyenut
    Central WI.
    Posts: 343

    I pulled a bone head move you always hear about “other” guys doing. Decided I would go to the woods yesterday and move a tower stand. Since it is the holiday weekend and nobody is around………you guessed it, I went by myself. There are two stands that were on my land when I bought it. Both are 4’x4′ enclosed and about 8′ to the standing platform. The 4×4 posts they are on are buried in the ground so I cut them off with a chainsaw. I thought I could tip the stand onto my snowmobile trailer, and would help lower it by hand so it did not slam down. BAD IDEA! It was much heavier than I anticipated and it folded me like a wet napkin. Luckily the windows are plexi as I went partially through one, and somehow was able to roll the stand off of me. Very scary, but I was blessed enough to come out with a sprained ankle, tweeked back, and a few scrapes and bruises.

    Take it from a guy who thought he was smarter than the “other” guy. ALWAYS HAVE SOMEONE WITH YOU when doing the big jobs!


    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    Wow! close call Glad your OK

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Thanks nut for the reminder. Glad to hear that your injuries were minor. I’m also guilty of moving and hanging up treestands by myself. If I have to do it, I try and tell someone where I will be,what time I expect to be done and call them when I’m safe.

    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081

    Glad to hear that you are OK. That is scary stuff. Thank you, however, for sharing your experience. I think it is a reminder to us all about how real of a danger moving/hanging stands can be.

    I guess if you think about it, the “other guy” wasn’t the “other guy” until something happened. I know I have had experiences throughout life where I have said “Wow, I’ve heard about that but never thought it would happen to me.”

    hastings mn
    Posts: 1525

    glad to hear your ok. good lesson to learn for all of us

    Shoreview, MN
    Posts: 723

    Good help is hard to find. Good to hear it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. When moving heavy things never forget the power of a pulley and a winch. Those 2 things have made it possible to do some jobs without the manpower I needed but they have their risks too. Thanks for the reminder

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Also guilty as charged…but that was a few years ago. Now we do stands as a team for just those reasons. Glad to hear you are “ok”.

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