Deer vs coyote in my yard

  • bob_bergeson
    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    Last night while loading up for my weekly trip to the cabin I witnessed about 20 seconds of pure hell for a doe and fawn
    I was walking across my yard when I heard what sounded at first like a hysterical laugh… the noise was not a laugh, it was a fawn crying like a baby with a big coyote about 3-4 yards behind it and closing fast! about that time I noticed the Doe trying her best to intervene. By this time they were all about 15-20 yards from me… All I could do was start yelling at the coyote. They all turned and ran from my yard, the fawn ran down my driveway and the Doe then turned the tables on the Coyote and was chasing the coyote across the field away from the fawn. this all happened in broad daylight. I really need to get rid of some of these coyotes

    Posts: 2998

    I wouldn’t mind thinning them out for you Bob!!!

    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081

    WOW! Sounds like you had one heck of an experience. As deer hunters I would assume most of us have a some what negative feeling toward this. However, I must say that is one heck of an experience to see that kind nature working right in front of your face. I bet my paycheck not many people get to see that kind of thing up close and personal!

    P.S. I don’t make it back to the Northfield area much any more, but if I am in the area this winter and you are interested, Id be willing to give you the heads up and let you use the Fox Pro Prairie Blaster for a day or two to rid some yotes’

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Just might need to twist my arm a little harder for a couple days at Red Wing and a couple days of blasting song dogs I looked at Cannon Falls on Google Maps. That terrain to the SE looks awesome for run-n-gun locations on those coulees!

    A few years ago while turkey hunting last season, I watched a fawn be born in the field about 100 yards from my blind. Within a half hour 3 coyotes came out and ran the doe into exhaustion. One of them took the fawn by the neck and drug it into the woods. Surreal to watch it happen right in front of you.

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798


    WOW! Sounds like you had one heck of an experience. As deer hunters I would assume most of us have a some what negative feeling toward this. However, I must say that is one heck of an experience to see that kind nature working right in front of your face. I bet my paycheck not many people get to see that kind of thing up close and personal!

    P.S. I don’t make it back to the Northfield area much any more, but if I am in the area this winter and you are interested, Id be willing to give you the heads up and let you use the Fox Pro Prairie Blaster for a day or two to rid some yotes’

    It was something I really don’t ever wan’t to see again That would be great to try out the fox pro Bring your gun

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798


    Just might need to twist my arm a little harder for a couple days at Red Wing and a couple days of blasting song dogs I looked at Cannon Falls on Google Maps. That terrain to the SE looks awesome for run-n-gun locations on those coulees!
    A few years ago while turkey hunting last season, I watched a fawn be born in the field about 100 yards from my blind. Within a half hour 3 coyotes came out and ran the doe into exhaustion. One of them took the fawn by the neck and drug it into the woods. Surreal to watch it happen right in front of you.

    Come on over and blast those mangy buggers I would like to learn more about calling

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Sounds like you were at the right place at the right time Bob…this time anyway.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I had a similar experience last night except my Great Dane was the coyote and the doe/fawn were a momma raccoon and her babies!

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