What is everyone doing?

  • john_steinhauer
    Posts: 2998

    I know for me turkey season has come and gone, mushrooms are slowing down now. I was wondering what everyone has been up to to get ready for their next kind of hunt no matter where it may be at. Deer, elk, bear, turkey, let’s hear what kind of preparation you have going on?

    Right now I have been driving all of them back roads looking for that next whitetail hot spot, as well as moving some stands around. In my eyes now can’t be a better time for hanging/moving stands around. I will do 99% of my stand moving/hanging from now till the first part of July.

    St. Michael
    Posts: 139

    Currently, wiping the tears form my eyes cus turkey season is done

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Replenishing mineral licks, hanging more stands, clearing out shooting lanes, planting food plots, checking cameras, updating hunting strategies on topo maps, the list goes on and on…

    Posts: 539

    Fishing, mowing the yard, fishing, BBQing, drinking a beer or mixed beverage, did I mention fishing.

    Maybe a long weekend of duck hunting in NoDak. Other than that, no hunting for me this fall.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22891


    Fishing, mowing the yard, fishing, BBQing, drinking a beer or mixed beverage, did I mention fishing.

    Shooting the bow getting ready for my Bear hunt in less than 3 weeks !!!

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