Crow hunting contest

  • Scott Mueller
    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 125

    5th annual Danny Dunn’s crow hunt
    March 19th
    4 person teams $20.00 per team
    Sign up in advance at 265 N. broadway St. Ellsworth Wi
    most crows wins
    All hunters qualify to win a Mossberg 535ATS 3.5″ shotgun but they must be present to win
    For more info call 715-273-3550

    Oronoco, SE. MN.
    Posts: 771

    That is a very very cool idea. I’m jelous seeings I’m from Mn. I suppose I cant particpate without a WS small game license ?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Hope you kill a bunch of those noisy son of a guns!

    Scott Mueller
    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 125

    Sorry for the late response but ya you have to have a wi license and it’s a blast i had crows ringing in my head for 2 days following the contest

    Scott Mueller
    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 125

    Oh ya we shoot the heck outta em lots of shooting lots of missing to it’s a blast the fox pro is loud so you can imagine the ringing in my ears we are in our spot before sunrise this year we are not moving to another spot in the pm

    Oronoco, SE. MN.
    Posts: 771

    Can I shoot crows in MN and still enter your contest ?

    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    In our tournament that we hold we also give a cash prize to the Boone and Crowket crow with the largest wingspan

    Scott Mueller
    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 125

    Not sure ill check into it

    Scott Mueller
    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 125

    That’s a good idea ill pass it along to the boys

    Scott Mueller
    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 125

    yes you can if you have a season in mn you have to register b4 the contest not sure what the warden would- could do if you got checked with birds in your possesion you can only have 15 birds per person in wi so you would have to a 4 person team to get the max amount allowed

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