What is every one feeling about what scott walker is doing about this bill? Who thinks its a good idea and who thinks its wrong, i am just wondering because i am in school and out school just had a “walk out” to support our teachers. They way i see Most of the kids in my school did not vote, nor ever will. Most of the people in Wisconsin did not vote in the past election. Can some one explain why if you did not vote why are you doing this walk out. The teachers did not walk out on us this morning so why dont people show resecpt and stay and in there classes since the teachers did not call in sick today. My standing on this is to pass the bill. Every one should have to pay for there health insurance. Why should people who are working for the state not have to pay? Why should people have to pay for 100% of there health insurance and 100% of other peoples.
I am not trying to start any fights i dont not know every thing that is happening, this is just my opinion ans i just wanted to know what everyone else thinks.