dominant eye question

  • chippee
    sw wi
    Posts: 488

    anyone care to give a little discussion on determining your dominant eye, I know there is some sort of test of looking at something and then covering one eye, also do you shoot a shotgun with one eye open or both, I seem to keep questioning myself if one way is better than the other, especially after a miss(once in a while it happens )

    Posts: 6441

    Hold your index finger up at arms length. Then with both eyes open center it on something in the distance. Close one eye and if your finger stays centered on the object that is your dominant eye if your finger moves off to the side then the other eye is your dominant eye Hope that’s some help

    sw wi
    Posts: 488

    I’m glad theres no such thing as a stupid question so I close my left eye and the object moves that means my left eye is my dominant… so I shoot right handed so I am cross dominant, what would be the best recomendation here; both eyes open, focusing with the weaker eye, or trying to learn to shoot left handed, practice, practice, practice will give me some insight when the weather warms, but just looking for a little insight to get off on the right track

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Chippee…if you close your left eye and the object moves that means you are right eye dominant. I am left eye dominant and shoot right handed with both gun and bow and don’t seem to have a problem…although I don’t shoot with both eyes open obviously!

    Posts: 6441


    Chippee…if you close your left eye and the object moves that means you are right eye dominant. I am left eye dominant and shoot right handed with both gun and bow and don’t seem to have a problem…although I don’t shoot with both eyes open obviously!

    Actually Mike your wrong

    I also am right handed but left eye dominant. I shoot with my left eye shut. Sometimes I think I shoot with both eyes shut

    Posts: 559

    I shoot trap and am left eye dominate.I’m right handed. There is a BIG disadvantage to shoot with one eye open. To fix this problem there is a fibre optic sight available to eliminate cross shooting.The sight has a tube in front of the fibre optics that won’t allow your left eye to see the green or orange optic. This will allow a right handed left eye dominate shooter to really shoot like a shotgun should be shot. This sight helped me go from a 88% shooter to a 97% shooter.I haven’t found anything like this for my bow so I still have to close my left eye.

    Posts: 6441

    Confusing to all of us I see

    OK I close my left eye and the finger moves. So I am left eye dominant.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Maybe this will help here is how I was taught to find your dominate eye.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’m a righty, with a left eye dominant. I’ve struggled with this for years and years.

    Now, how many of you after reading this were sitting at your desk trying these methods…. A lady just walked past my office and asked what I was doing…

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    that’s cause both your hands were above the desk….

    Dodge Center, MN/Alma,WI
    Posts: 302

    Yes follow the video. There seems to be a little confusion with the finger pointing method.

    I shot right handed since I started shooting gun and bow about the age of 5. I’ve always struggled and was never a good shot. Once I was in my mid 20’s I finally realized that I can see the sights a lot better with my left eye. I’ve always know that I had better vision in my left eye and was left eye dominant but always shot right handed because that was what I was taught. I’ve been shooting gun left handed for the last 10 years now. I’ll never be a great shot but I’m certainly better than I was when I was shooting right handed. My biggest angst is the fact that I would like to get back into bow hunting and have over a dozen right handed bow’s…

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337



    Chippee…if you close your left eye and the object moves that means you are right eye dominant. I am left eye dominant and shoot right handed with both gun and bow and don’t seem to have a problem…although I don’t shoot with both eyes open obviously!

    Actually Mike your wrong

    Actually I’m right…sort of!

    Anyway, use the two handed method…works much better!

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