Asking permission…NO because of liability

  • TheMidwestHunter
    Posts: 124

    So there’s a golf course that I’d give my left grapefruit to get on. I called the GM today and the guy was really nice in saying no and gave me the liability issue deal. Now the question… might very from state to state on liability cases(I’m from MN), but has anyone ever talked to a lawyer about drafting anything up pertaining to liability?? Basically saying, if I kill myself in no way shape or form could my family go after him/them. Personally or the company. There HAS to be a way around this.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22594

    how much are greens fees ????

    I would think there is a way around it…

    Posts: 124

    More $$ than I’d ever spend to golf a round! ha, ha

    I’m fully aware that throwing out liability is an easy way to say no and that I’m probably about the eleventyith billion person to ask, but I have to give it a shot again! I hunt land that butts up to it and the amount of deer I see walking down fairways and on the greens is far more action than outside of it! ha, ha Where are the big bucks? Gee, I wonder.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22594

    I see your dealing with the GM… who owns it ? Public or private ?

    Central MN/SJU
    Posts: 241

    we ran into this problem with a farmer while goose hunting last year.. Basically we talked to him about his concerns and what we were planning on doing, how many guys would be with, where we were planning on hunting and the time frame we would be hunting for. Wrote a letter and had everyone sign it saying that he was not responsible for any injury, damaged equipment etc. He then gave us the green light to go. Of course we didnt kill a goose due to 500 of them landing 1/4 mile away on a different farm, but that is hunting.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13685

    I do. Here’s a few thoughts. Establish a relationship with them in a manner that empowers you to talk to him on a regular basis. (meaning once every couple months) It takes time, but usually they understand that your a responsible individual and that you will aid in improving their property. Through conversations mention that you have a simple permission paper that exchanges your contact info and RELEASES the land owner from all responsibility for injury or death. WI law is good in the fact that it does not always require an attorney to draft the paper work and the “intent” is what is to be carried out…That’s what my attorney said
    I use a simple half sheet of printer paper that I fill out. It has all my contact information, and simply says

    ” On this______ day of _______________ of__________ Randy Wieland (also referred to as Wieland Outdoors)and accompanied guests have been granted unrestricted permission for access to the property commonly known as ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. This property is owned or operated by (also referred to as Owner)____________________________________________________________ and said person has authority to grant such permission. This permission is granted to start on the above stated date and shall expire on the _______ day of ___________ of 20____.

    The the said owner or operator of the mentioned property shall receive $00.00 compensation in exchange for permission.

    By signing this agreement, Wieland Outdoors agrees to forfeit any and all rights to any or all claims, current or future, for any loss, injury, or death. Wieland Outdoors also agrees all activities performed on the said property shall be in accordance of local and state laws. Failure to comply will result in the immediate revocation of this permission.

    These terms are accepted by:


    Wieland Outdoors
    Randy Wieland___________________________

    Like I said, its simple, but it works. Some property owners look at me like I smoke crack when I fill this out. And some don’t sign it. But in the long run, it’s my opinion that it shows responsibility for what I do. Especially when the next guy pulls up in his truck and beer cans roll out all over the driveway….(believe it or not, I watched that happen)

    Posts: 1007

    In Wisconsin, liability is a non issue. State law exempts the landowner from being liable to those recreating on his property.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3137


    So there’s a golf course that I’d give my left grapefruit to get on. I called the GM today and the guy was really nice in saying no and gave me the liability issue deal. Now the question… might very from state to state on liability cases(I’m from MN), but has anyone ever talked to a lawyer about drafting anything up pertaining to liability?? Basically saying, if I kill myself in no way shape or form could my family go after him/them. Personally or the company. There HAS to be a way around this.

    They’re already protected for free as long as they don’t charge you – MN Recreational Use Policy

    Landowners incur no legal responsibility for letting you recreate in any way on their property. Furthermore, their liability insurance already covers injuries and deaths of any kind/type, from a guy driving his cart into the pond and drowning, to someone getting hit in the head with a golf ball.

    Anyone can sue anyone for any reason, but they’ll get it thrown out in no time for trying.

    For the ultra-paranoid types, you can buy personal liability protection as part of a hunting club or lease party which follows you personally wherever you go. This might be expensive, but could be the ticket you need to get in there.


    Posts: 1007

    Thanks Joel, that is what I was trying to find!

    Posts: 324

    I hunt a golf course i souther minnesota, and yea there is alot of deer on it but it is almost impossible to pattern deer on it cause of people always out there at prime tme, even late season its hard, this year we had a major dog issue but hunting a golf course may seam amazing but somtimes it is harder then you may think.

    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    I think Iowa has the same law, but even the farm insureance agents will discourage land owners from giveing hunting permission. Ive even had a couple landowners say that they can’t give me permission, but they would realy like to get rid of some deer so if you can get over the fence you don’t have to worry about a tresspass charge.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Whether he said it or not he may be thinking of the liability of the patrons. You injure a golfer and he has some real issues. Maybe clarify that you’re only asking for AFTER the course is closed AND present him with your document. I think the problem is then they will have to have their attorneys review it and it’s more hassle than they’re willing to deal with. Maybe go straight to the owner of the course??

    Central, MN
    Posts: 1110

    i hunt next to a golf course and have permission to hunt on the golf course. I can’t remember if it was 6 or 7 years ago…. i shot a doe at sunset and there were golfers on the green putting about 200 yards away. long story short, i hit her in the spine and dropped her in her tracks. only problem, she started to bellow like a stuck seal and i had to get out of my stand asap and give her one more in the “bread basket”. not cool. after that the owners of the course told me i couldn’t hunt until the course was closed.

    good luck

    OtterTail Cty/Minnetrista
    Posts: 265

    Gobbler-that is kinda of a funny story now that it’s been a few years… I can’t imagine the expressions on the golfers faces, especially if they were not hunters.
    I’d blame my missed putt on the dying deer.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916


    long story short, i hit her in the spine and dropped her in her tracks. only problem, she started to bellow like a stuck seal and i had to get out of my stand asap and give her one more in the “bread basket”. not cool. after that the owners of the course told me i couldn’t hunt until the course was closed.

    I’m sorry Ricco that’s not funny (for the deer) but I laughed my *SS off! Just picturing you scrambling after that shot. oh goodness!

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