Doing a plaque mount for antlers

  • neusch303
    Posts: 539

    Anybody every done the do-it-yourself plaque mount for antlers? I’ve got 7 sets of antlers laying around and I thought I’d give it a try to mount them for display. It looks rather easy to do. Any issues with this?


    Posts: 6441

    Make sure you get all the hide off and let it dry good. I used to put them in a kiln at the place I used to work for a couple days. Other than that pretty simple. Take some pics for us when they are done

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Pretty simple. Some plaster paris to mold over the skull plate. And felt or buckskin to cover the plaster. They sell kits that look like crap ant Gander.

    crawford county WI
    Posts: 819

    One thing we found works great is body bondo just place horns on junk board and put blocks under horns the way you would like them tipped apply bondo let dry. Take rough rasp and clean up edges. place wrap and secure to the back with staple gun into bondo. Run screws through board into bondo done.

    Posts: 4

    I’ve done a couple of mounts using the Iron Buck Antler Mount Kit. Most big box outdoor stores sell it. Very easy to mount the antlers in.

    Posts: 1137

    I used 2 of these to mount a couple of my Dads antlers he had. I put them on a planed board with the bark still attached to the sides and they came out pretty cool.


    Sorry no pics, maybe I will swing by and take a couple of them.

    Posts: 1137

    I stopped by and took a couple of pictures, not bad for the first time trying something like this.

    These are about 5/6 years old.

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