Anyone know of a droid app +/- widget that would have an alarm for hunting hours??
I’m thinking something that you can set on/off ahead of time for a specific shooting time (ex 1/2 hour before sunrise or 15 minutes after sunset, etc…) for your given location. It would be great if you could set it to “alarm” (set it to vibrate) so your phone would give you a heads up when shooting hours are starting and/or over. Or maybe an app smart enough to know the regs/hours for your state/location/species you are hunting, etc…. ????
would be great for things like duck hunting/deer hunting when you don’t want to reach in your pocket and grab your phone (both hard to get to as well as not wanting to drop the phone in the marsh / out of the tree).
I know I could just set the alarm on the phone, but as each day’s shooting hours changes, it would be nice for the app to just adjust based on date/location/sunrise/sunset…