Its Just Too Much

  • fish509
    St. Michael
    Posts: 139

    I am on overload. Friday Pheasant hunt in the AM. Grouse in the afternoon, then puling plugs on the pond evening/night. Saturday is grouse by day, eyes by night. My wife is gonna kil me if I’m stillalive after the weekend. LIFE IS GREAT And in between… Wanna meet for a cold one n bar burger Aint no big thing. It’s Christmas for the outdoorsmen

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Went to bed 4 am this morning after pounding fish on the pond. Leave again 3 am tonight for 2 days of pheasant hunting and deer hunting. TOUGH life!

    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081

    Time to get after it!!! Weekend forecast is projected to be copious quantities of redbull and nodos

    Whitetails to hunt, walleyes to catch, muskies to chase , throw a golden birthday in there…(Thank God the full moon blows the goose pattern)… Anyone wanna take my Monday??

    Good luck to all pursuing the ‘ultimate weekend.’

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 1090

    Man you guys are killin me! I haven’t been in the woods yet this year and it’s starting to really bum me out!!! I’ve had exactly 1 day off during the month of October working a full time and part time job and the honey-do list is a mile long that my wife expects to be done before I take any me time. I’ve only got 2 days of vacation left for this year but I plan on using them wisely! The best days to be in the woods are yet to come, but they’re coming up quick!

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Priorities Phishirman! Tell the bossman Obama will take care of you from now on.

    Fished muskies until midnight under a full moon. Leaving at noon for weekend bow hunt, SD all week next week for work (and pheasant hunting) then back for 9 straight days of Rut action prior to the gun season. Did I mention I have a Missouri bowhunt lined for December! The only way my wife will kill me is if I dont take her with!

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 317

    I hear you phishirman, I haven’t been able to get out for a longggggg time. Going nuts! The good news is the corn is coming out at a rapid pace, and I took the first few days of November off to lay the smack down on buckzilla. Good luck to all of you lucky ones that are getting out more often!

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 1090


    Priorities Phishirman! Tell the bossman Obama will take care of you from now on.

    I asked him myself, but since I didn’t run a giant corporation into the ground head first by making urine poor business decisions, paying myself and my board members ridiculous sums of money, he said he couldn’t bail me out and I’ll have to fend for myself.
    Oh the humanity!!!

    On the bright side of things, I am still managing to keep a roof over the family’s head and a little bit of food on the table so it makes the long work hours worth it through these tough times.

    My time in the woods will come but until then, I’ll have to live the hunting life vicariously through you guys at IDO

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