WI Wolf Info

  • sgt._rock
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    Kind of a long read but some interesting data. As those of us that hunt WI always wonder about the accuracy of the info. ie bear population and deer numbers. I know in the area I hunt bear numbers are high and deer low. And we are seeing more wolves. The final chart in this study sums it up for me. In the past 6 years the number of packs and wolves have essentially doubled.

    Wolf Study

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Thanks for posting! Some very interesting data in this report. Their ranges continue to amaze me.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Interesting??????? WI = 65,503 square miles, subtract water -11,190 square miles, – ESTIMATED Metro /unsuitable habitat -25,000 square miles = 29,313 Wolfs are found in approx 8,400 square mile range…only 1/3 of the state??

    I’ve had two come in while calling coyotes in an area the DNR says that there are no wolves….I have a hard time believing anything that they document

    Posts: 216

    DNR……stands for the Department of No Reaction. Same with the cougars

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