In-Depth Outdoors is pleased to announce the first annual Trail Camera Photo Contest. Here is how it will work:
There will be monthly winners for September, October, November, December and January. A grand prize winner will be picked the 1st week of February. The grand prize winner will be a random drawing. You must submit at least one trail camera picture to be eligible. You will be entered once for each trail camera picture you post. The grand prize is to be announced.
All photos must be entered by the 7th of the following month. The IDO Hunting Team will choose the top 10 photos of the month. Those photos will be displayed on the 8th. Everyone (staff, IDO Gold Members and Members) will vote to determine the winner. The photo with the most votes wins the monthly prize! If there’s a tie, the IDO Hunting Team will declare the winner. Please cast only one vote per monthly contest. We will be tracking IP addresses for duplicate voting. Voting will last one week and the winner will be announced on the 15th of each respective month.
For example, September photos must be submitted by Oct. 7th. The top 10 photos will be displayed on Oct. 8th. Voting will take place until Oct. 14th and the winner will be announced on Oct. 15th.
-Photos need to be from YOUR trail camera and stamped with date and time for the contest month, i.e. September pics must be from September 2010
-Any trail camera picture can win. No edited pictures, basically no cropping or photoshopping.
-We will be running 2 separate contests 1 for staff and 1 for members.
-Members can only win the monthly contest once but will be included in the grand prize drawing.
The prize for the September winning photo is a Hooyman Retractable saw donated by Brad Juaire.
We will announce the October Prize on October 1st and so on…
Monthly winners will also have their pictures displayed on the front page of iDohunting. Good luck to everyone!!