Watch where your going buddy!

  • bob schroden
    Cold Spring, MN
    Posts: 281

    It is open in the river/current areas.
    The main lake areas on Horseshoe and Cedar Island still have lots of ice on them. It is broke away 3-4′ or so in places, other places it is still tight to shore.

    I would say we are looking at 7-10 more warm days before we see total open water.

    bob schroden
    Cold Spring, MN
    Posts: 281

    Today the ice looks in very bad shape…

    I would say Horseshoe is 60-70% open, there is alot of ice on the Hwy. 22 bay yet, but the rest looks pretty open!

    Cedar Island is the same way, the bays are open, still quite a bit of ice on the main lake.

    I would guess by next weekend most, if not all of our ice will be gone.

    I did see that the DNR dock is in at the Hwy. 22 access allready, that kinda suprised me.

    Posts: 19473

    Any updates? this last batch of rain and 70’s hopefully did some damage? I’d like to at least get th euluminum boat out for some crappies this weekend in the Ceder Island bays..

    bob schroden
    Cold Spring, MN
    Posts: 281

    The ice pretty much went out yesterday.
    The weather does not sound good for Friday and Saturday, wind, rain/snow with a high in the 40’s.
    Good bye spring.

    Posts: 6441

    I was guessing a bear

    Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    I have lots of pictures of a 125lb bear too. Hope he leaves them alone too. After I posted the vid, I noticed the two deer in the background. I better go back and review that card before I delete it…wonder what else I missed

    Posts: 6441

    I didn’t see the deer either

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