
  • lick
    Posts: 6441

    81 degress at 6 AM

    I’m ready for a good frost

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    68. No humidity.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    A few more hours and then we should see relief with one more line of storms to usher out the heat! Hopefully Friday the 13th doesn’t hold any surprises for anyone!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    We just had another front move through the cities. It’s really nice out right now. High of 81 today!

    Southeast, MN
    Posts: 1014

    Some pretty crazy storms from about 1 a.m. to 5 this morning. Seems a little less humid and is 69 right now. Not sure of rain amount yet but it will be measured in inches not tenths of inches!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Just looked at the weather radar forcast and from here to about laCrosse its supposed to rain tonight into tomorrow around noon. The big rainfall amounts are supposed to be on eigther side of the minnesota border and north to LaCrosse. After that a cool front with low humidity is supposed to move through for a few days then back into the heat about the middle of the week, im ready for some frost too.

    Posts: 6441

    Wow I bailed out of work to go spread fertilizer (With the 4-wheeler in the shop) I hurried around with the truck then the monsoon hit Got all done slid off the trail 50 yards from being out Looks like the truck can stay there until Sunday Temp dropped 13 degrees right before the strom hit Wasn’t one of my better ideas

    Southeast, MN
    Posts: 1014

    Our total was 3″ from last night then rained a couple more tenths today during the day. I had one branch in the yard that was driven in the ground about 4″. Glad that didn’t come at the house!

    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081

    Glad to hear every one is alright Scott!! I heard you guys on the radio today and all I could remember was the baseball/softball sized hail from a few years ago…. What a mess that was

    Gut, your not alone… Last week my bro slid his Duramax down the side hill and up tight against the trees after a 1″ monsoon. Last minute plot work gets the best of every one I guess….

    Posts: 125

    pat didnt my dad come pull you out

    Posts: 6441


    pat didnt my dad come pull you out

    Posts: 125

    i woulda came with but i was at work

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