Sometimes you can never be cautious enough

  • jeff_heeg
    Marshfield WI.
    Posts: 479

    Sometimes you can never be cautious enough – treestands

    Boy I tell you I have been crazy busy this year – starting in Dec of 2009 my job occupation changed I’m still with the same company but my responsibilities have increased drastically – I will say it’s good to be busy then not to that’s for sure, but I have really missed not being here on this site like I used to be, hopefully in time when I am able to get things to the way they should be here in this state I will have the opportunity to be as active as I was prior.

    As most of you know I have promoted tree stand safety very strongly in the past and always will continue.

    But wouldn’t you know this last Sunday I finally had a chance to hang a couple stands – dang for me this is getting a little late in the season. I hooked up with a fellow hunter and friend and we had a plan for hanging a few stands and checking a few cams for pics. All was going well until I had an accident. Something that caught me off guard and something that most folks could take for granted.

    I had my treesaddle on for hanging the climbing sticks or ladders as well as hanging the stands themselves I will not go up a tree and attempt to do any of this without the confidence to use both hands freely while hanging things, I love the tree saddle for this work.

    So what went wrong? I was standing on the ground with both feet in the woods and I’m dang glad I had a partner there helping.

    Well I was setting a tree stand on the back rack of my ATV, I had two rubber snubbers ( 2’ rubber bungee straps with steel hooks on each end ) well the stand was a little loose when Rusty went to sit on it, so I said hang on a second I’ll tighten it up a little, so as I took one end and stretched it very tight the opposite end let go and made a direct hit in my left eye, not on the forehead or face but right into the eye. Dang I grabbed or covered my left eye as I spun to the ground fearing very seriously that I no longer had something where it was supposed to be, after a few seconds or minutes Rusty opened the eyelid and said it seemed to be in tacked yet, so off to the emergency room I went, after a few hours there with a eye specialist and as of today – a day later I have about 50% of my vision back in the eye, while heading out of the woods and while at the ER I had no vision, this was do to bleeding internally in the eye all I could see was a bright yellow fog or blur no shapes or figures and that was it. Scares the hell out of you, there was no warning no nothing other than instantly feeling like someone fired a 20 gauge directly at your eye.

    They have me going back to the specialist Wednesday to check for progress supposedly this first week is very important as to what will be my end result. This also means no traveling for a few weeks and no lifting or activities that builds pressure for 6 weeks.

    And yes as an archer I am a lefty – I hope it stays that way

    So here again don’t let these little things we take for granted at times destroy your future

    Also this means missing the get together this weekend

    Jeff Heeg

    crawford county WI
    Posts: 819

    Sorry to hear that Jeff hope your recovery is 100% and quick.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Wow that does stink Jeff.

    We wish you a speedy recovery. An eye is not something to take lightly as I’m sure you are aware of!

    Also thanks for the reminder as anything can happen at anytime in the woods and the “buddy system” may help save your life someday. Keep us updated on how the eye and you are doing and we will miss you this weekend.

    hastings mn
    Posts: 1525

    I hope for all the best for you and a full recovery. make sure to lay low and dont push the recovery process.

    Posts: 395

    It may sound like overkill, but wearing safety glasses in the woods is a good idea.

    My former employer made it a policy that anyone tarping loads on outbound trucks had to wear safety glasses while attaching bungee cords. We had an employee almost lose an eye in the exact manner that you discribed.

    The buddy system may have saved your sight. You owe him a

    Safety first and foremost when I’m in the woods. I just can’t stress it enough.

    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 974

    Scary stuff Jeff, hope your eye heals 100%. Take care my friend!

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    Thats scary right there. Those damn things worry me every time I use them.

    Here’s to a speedy recovery!


    St. Croix River
    Posts: 940

    Hey Jeff, Glad the prognosis looks good!! That is a terrible thought to lose an eye…

    Posts: 6441

    Scary indeed I hope you have a speedy recovery Jeff

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Very sorry to hear about your accident Jeff and I hope your eye can recover 100%. I too have been whipped in the hand by a loose bungee cord. Thanks for the safety reminder and I hope we can all learn from it.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    Here’s to your speedy recovery and hopes to meeting another Marshfield guy!!!


    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    Well how are things coming along Jeff? Hope your doing ok.

    Marshfield WI.
    Posts: 479

    I tried a couple road trips this week for work, good and not so good. It was great to get out but I am having issues with the vibrations from our not so smooth roads we have in this country and also the end of the days when going through the day to night transition as well as head lights is a real problem right now.

    My vision seems to slowly be getting better from day to day; I can only hope that it heals to the point of being a 100%

    Some days it seems awful depressing. But at least I have over 80% of my vision back!


    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 974

    Good to hear Jeff! Glad things are getting better.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Glad to hear that you are slowly recovering. Take is slow my friend and keep your mind on the future of drawing back your bow on a mature buck or zeroing in on that bullseye.

    Posts: 6441

    Good Luck in your recovery Jeff

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    Hope everything turns out well for you.

    Happy Birthday . I think I know what your wish is gonna be.

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