almost done!

  • qdm4life
    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    In the last 3 weeks I have shed plenty of blood and sweat, checking straps, cutting lanes and doubling up six setups for a total of 33 stands hanging on 9 properties, and loved every minute of it still have box blinds that need attention and a few ground blinds to get out but I will wait on that for the summer stoms to sub side. Done now till ealry semptember when I pull my cameras, and see who is where. Man its gonna be a quik long 2 months, heading up to Rainy to fish with Rainy daze next week, that should pass some time quikly!! Good luck to all an be safe out there!!

    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081


    33 stands hanging on 9 properties

    Your the man!! 9 properties sure sounds nice to me!


    heading up to Rainy to fish with Rainy daze next week

    Don’t go loosing your ‘edge’ on a walleye bite now

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3067

    Wow!! I can barely find enough time to get plots done, cameras out, minerals out, check stands, fish, things done around the house, and be daddy/husband!

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956



    Wow!! I can barely find enough time to get plots done, cameras out, minerals out, check stands, fish, things done around the house, and be daddy/husband!

    a blend of perannuals is the ticket!! And some great farmers lending a hand!! Annual plots were seeded in the spring this year, things around the house are done during nap time and as far as the wife goes, I’m the luckiest guy I know!! I have been running my self into the ground but now its time for a few cold ones and some intense timefishing! Only thing I wish I had more time for is sleep

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