whitehot powder charges

  • wdidkowski
    Posts: 3

    looking for feedback from others who may have tried whitehots. my setup: t/c omega muzzleloader; 777 ffg powder; 209 primers by winchester; leupold sabr 3-9x40mm scope. experimenting with hornady sst 250 & 300 grain saboted bullets. was comparing 100grain loose powder and (2) 50 grain white hots. results consistent with white hots shooting 6 inches lower than the powder loads. groupings consistent. 1 1/2 inches at 100 yds with both loose powder & white hots. 2-3 inches at 200 yds with loose powder. 4-5 inches at 200 yds with white hots. 250 grain bullets had tumbling beyond 150 yds with white hots. not so with loose powder. tumbling was less severe with the 300 grain loads.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I too have been looking for some feed back on these loads!

    CLICK HERE to see antoher post on the subject. Scroll down and find some good info on White Hots!

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