seen my first two fawns tonight

  • mossydan
    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    When driving down a neighboring road going to the store here in town I looked up at a few apple trees that have deer by them all the time in the fall. It’s just habit because thats where is see some of the first fawns and there were two of them, cute little buggers. The doe was standing off the road about 75′ and the two fawns were running in circles and kicking up their heels just past the female. I know they didn’t weight 20 lbs. at most. Its pretty neat seeing the first fawns of the year.

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    I have been seeing quite a few fawns at my mineral sites. Not as fun as seeing the good bucks but at least I know that they are getting the minerals they need.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Yup, there moving. I seen a little guy running around in my yard last week at 6AM… he was just kicking and bucking and momma was watching and laughing at I was

    Elgin, MN
    Posts: 87

    My neighbosrs dog drug one off the road in front of his house on April 17th. Thought that was a little early. But I have been seeing some very large fawns even when I was turkey hunting.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Yup a week and a day before Memorial Day I saw my first one. Now I see them almost every other day!

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