Thermocell… Airlines….

  • whittsend
    Posts: 2389


    Where is your hunt in Canada ???? If it is with an outfitter, they may have thermacells already

    North of Deer Lake, Newfoundland.

    There IS a sport shop within about 3 miles of the airport that is SUPPOSED to carry the thermocell refills… Who knows if they actually do or not..

    Never used a Thermacell, but there are supposed to work well, I’m told. Any confirmation on effectiveness? Should I definately try to figure this out, or just man up and forget about it?

    Good thoughts guys, we’ll see what happens.

    Posts: 6443

    I won’t go in the woods without my Thermacell

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22635

    Check out this thread…. it has my thoughts while using Bear hunting in Canada last year Thermacells

    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 974

    Don’t think you will find anyone that will argue if they work or not, they work better than advertised! The big question is if they bother whatever it is you are hunting. This is where the arguments begin. Again, there is no doubt that they give off some sort of smell. After keeping a log over the years while using and not using a Thermacell, my results show that I have not had a drop off in bear sightings while using a Thermacell. My theory is that if they are smelling the Thermacell, they are smelling me. I will continue to use…..

    G, read your thoughts on using the holster. Gotta say I’ve not seen the results you have. I carry 2 units in my pack and use the holsters on both. I strap them on my legs just under my knee, when the bugs are real bad, I use both of them, 1 on each leg. These suckers are the bomb!

    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    Thermocells rock it’s a must have when takeing my kids hunting. They work fantastic.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22635

    I hear ya Dennis I don’t doubt they work with the holster… just that by design, they are designed to lay flat, so the heat goes up through the pad… on the holster, I would say their effectiveness is cut in half… which would make sense, that it works for you, if you have 2 on I have not formed an opinion of using them deer hunting yet…. I do believe for bear, they cannot be beat. For bear hunting, you are trying to put out as much scent (food) as possible, which could potentially mask any scent given from the thermacell(which is heated scent, heat rises) but for deer, you want no scent, other than cover ups, which are natural smells(of which the thermacell is not). I can say without hesitation, thermacells give off an odor Either way, I willnot go bear hunting or sit on the deck at the cabin without mine

    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 974

    G, not sure I would agree with your 50%. I have only had to use 2 units a couple times. When you can see clouds of skeeters buzzing around you, it’s time to turn them both on . I carry an extra as a back up. Not sure if you have ever had one not start because the switch went bad in the Canadian bush but I wouldnt wish that on anyone. That will never happen to me again!

    I think what everyone is trying to tell you Whits is that you need to find a way to use one on your hunt! Good Luck!

    Posts: 2389

    Sounds good, thanks for the input, guys.


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22635

    I can’t say that I have had 1 that wouldn’t start…but… if it would have happened, I carry a spare in my back pack that and another release when I am bowhunting are necessities !!! If possible Whit… have a thermacell or 2 and GOOD LUCK

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