Deadline for Iowa tags/points “June 6th”

  • SteveHuettl
    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    Just got my preferece point today G!

    I don’t like to see the jump from $12-$52 on the preferece point but it looks like the license costs stayed close to the same price as last year. I still think it’s way too much but I guess that’s the price you have to pay if you want to hunt there.

    I plan on hunting WI this Fall for the first time in many years with my bow. I have a good piece of property to hunt and if it shows the potential I believe it has then I will probably have to second guess hunting in IA again. The price difference is just too drastic between the two states.

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3376

    I’m in the same boat as you Steve ! I will play the game for now but will be looking for other states also

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