As a life member, it’s OK at best. To be honest, if I wasn’t a life member. I doubt I’d stay a member. They used to send me stuff all the time and send a bill later. Since I kept the items and refused to pay them (unsolicited mail cannot be billed for) they don’t send me stuff anymore. The magazine is OK. It takes me about 10 minutes to read the entire thing. Dad and I used to laugh how you could read the entire thing by the time you walked from the mailbox to the house.
X2 – If I were not a Life member I probably wouldn’t join. Sent in a picture a few years back to be put in the magazine but it never made it. Also received a lot of test products to try out and 99% was junk. And yes, the free book thing was a scam too…did not pay for the book either. Now I don’t get anything to test anymore which is fine with me.