This guy needs to go!

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Ya, this guy is a piece of work. How he got to this position is beyond me. I’ve written many, many, many letters on fishing topics. Not a single response. We have to get the word out, he needs voted out!!!

    Posts: 124

    I’ve had my fair share of back and forths with the Senator. He has no basis for what he’s authoring, has zero educational background to support any of it and could not once provide me with any stats as to why what he wants would be good for the zone 3 sportsmen. I backed him into about a 50′ hole and finally he just quit responding to my emails.

    He and some of his buddys probably drum up ways to make things better for them while hovering over a bonfire and tipping back a few Zimas. The guy is a fraud.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Really…a politician trying to pull a fast one? Never heard of that before!

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 698

    This guy sounds like a real winner. I hope everyone that fishes that lake pulls up and anchors right next to his dock.

    Posts: 124


    This guy sounds like a real winner. I hope everyone that fishes that lake pulls up and anchors right next to his dock.

    I wonder if he has one of those plush alum floating docks. Maybe toss that anchor around a pole and pull it out 100′-200′ or so.

    Delano, MN
    Posts: 36

    Idiot…sick of these politicians…vote him out

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22973

    My tongue is bleeding….. in St Paul, I want legislators who actually hunt and fish… not one’s that couldn’t even find a Lake like Mille Lacs without a map….. will they always be right, no. But think of it this way, you have to “do something” in order to do it wrong…. I have always heard and agreed, gov’t should have to run like a business… what do we do in business ??? Sit around like lawyers and have 10 committees, to discuss something, to see if it is even worth discussing….. or do we act ? The best way to see if something will work is to try…. trying will allow 2 things, the ablility to see if it works… or the ability to learn something and adapt & change it. While I agree, it is a little selfish of him to have a provision of one lake, I also have to agree that out of all the people in St Paul, I would bet $10 to $1, he knows more about that lake than any of the other puppets….

    Posts: 124

    The legislature is not run like a business. You should know that. That would make and take common sense of which doesn’t happen at that level.

    Half of these guys are quite possibly sitting by a bonfire one night with some buddies…one Zima too many and they drum up some scheme. Sell it hard, get enough support and BAM…it’s a new regulation. Doesn’t mean a hill of beans if it’s good for the majority of the state and sportsmen.

    Like the reg change to add on 2 more days in zone 3. Someone…some people need to have their head checked. Short bus with a spit guard material.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22973

    My point exactly…. he actually put something in a bill, that wasn’t discussed for 5 years, by people who could careless or care to even understand… he added it in, last minute. 1 of 2 things were going to happen, it was gonna work for the lake, or it wasn’t….. now, we will never know, but I am guessing a committee of 6 people will sit down and discuss at length, what is best for the walleyes in that lake… I just think it is sad to send someone to St Paul to do something…anything… and when he does, he gets scolded for it… Again, it was probably selfish, but would have been nice to see if his plan for the lake would have worked or not… we would have at least learned something, rather than talkling and speculating about it…

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