Looking to build a deer shack

  • neusch303
    Posts: 539

    Question for anybody who is out and about. We are looking at building a deer shack on our land up in Buyck, MN (Orr area). The cost of building materials is absurd. So, I was wondering if anyone knows of a property owner who is looking to get rid of an old garage or farm house, etc. We would be interested in taking the structure off their property and moving to ours. We’ve done this before for our Iowa property. It works pretty well and is fairly cost effective. Thanks in advance guys.

    jonny p
    Waskish, MN
    Posts: 668

    Ice house trick. This is a one two punch twhen it comes to convincing spouses. Buy a nice ice house for a hunting shack and ice fishing! Now you have a fancy shack for the hunting and a great ice fishing hut splitting the cost.

    Posts: 539

    Been there, done that. No more. We all got sick of tripping over people and gear. Me especially, I like my space. New shack will have bedrooms, a large dining/common area and kitchen. That way if I want to sleep, others staying up enjoying the evening can do so without worrying about me. And vice versa when I’m up early and they are in bed.

    jonny p
    Waskish, MN
    Posts: 668

    Oh you want a BIG shack.

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