I “think” I know what I would do….. remember, you have to live with it…. I always “pay attention” at the register… damn computers…. I have had to correct them both ways, never got out the door though.
big G
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I “think” I know what I would do….. remember, you have to live with it…. I always “pay attention” at the register… damn computers…. I have had to correct them both ways, never got out the door though.
big G
The 2nd story happened to me. I went back three days later to do the “right” thing. A Manager just happened to be at customer service. After paying for it he thanked me for being honest and gave me a $25.00 Gift Certificate. Keep in mind the item I just payed for was only $14.99 plus tax. Good deeds will always come back to you.
Remember the old Builder’s Squares?
I went home with two storm doors. Got home and found out I didn’t pay for just under $300. worth of doors. (I had a charge account there)
Next time in once I brought it to the managers attention, he gave me 25% off.
It’s a lot easier looking myself in the mirror in the morning…well sort of.
your are a stand-up guy and you willmake the right choice here …
Just glad I not in your shoes today
It’s looks like a long way to drive back there, give them a call and tell them what happened. You’re making a effort to do the the right thing and settle up. You might be supprised of the out come. Good Luck and let us know the what you hear.
I know its tough to do but I would be honest with them. I have had a situation at a sporting goods store where I was given back a 1 dollar bill then a 10 and then another 1 dollar bill. I got 13 back when I was only supposed to get three. Somehow the 10 got inbetween the ones. I could have walked away with extra money but I was honest and told the cashier. He didnt thank me at all but I would have not been able to sleep good the next few nights knowing that I shorted them.
Good luck with your decision
I think since you posted here you know what you’ve gotta do. Give them a call or hop in the car.
why didn’t you go back in while you were still there???????
you had something you did not pay for
I bought a Scent Blocker camo jacket and pants from Bass Pro Shop in Atlanta about 6 or 7 years ago. I was prepared to drop over 300.00 for them. I also picked up a few misc Christmas gifts. It wasn’t until I got to my hotel room that I notice my CC reciept was only a little over 200.00. They didn’t ring up the pants. It was close to a 150.00 mistake. My first reaction was to jump for joy. I did a pretty good jig and a few fist pumps. By the next morning, I was on the phone and called BPS and gave them my CC for the pants. The more I thought about it, if I couldn’t afford the pants, I wouldn’t have been buying them in the first place.
Thanks guys! You’re all a big help! Nobody wants to say its only $20 or ‘take one for all those who never realized the big stores error’???
Only kidding….I knew what guys on this site would say. Good news is that I’m in Des Moines for work and this just gives me another excuse to stop in again on my way home.
This little guy
on my shoulder just won’t shut up!
Good job Eric for doing “the right thing”! More times than not, it will repay you in some sort of way. This has happened to me a few times and I always have pointed it out. You just never know how that could impact an employee who simply made a mistake – “grounds for termination for giving away free product”.
I stopped on my way home and took care of the oversight. Clerk at the return counter was shocked, the guy next to me at the window let out a ‘huff’ like an ‘are you crazy’ huff. Clerk said thank you very much twice, and I was on my way!
Do I feel better now?……………..
actually you never have to do this. Never. but then in the morning when you look your self in the face, or when you are raising your son, if you DID do the right thing and fix this problem, you can always feel good about your self when you do look at your self in the mirror.
its not the things that we do in public, its the things that we do in private that GOD takes an interest in.
and that’s who you would answer to, and get a just reward for your actions or inactions.
and trust me,God’s rewards are far greater then 25% on your next visit. His rewards are for ever.
This is a story that you can tell your son and grandson’s and teach them how to act in real life. And be a building block on the rest of those boys lives as well.
again i ask why you didn’t go back in while you were still there?
if the others on this site had said it was ok because it was there mistake would you have still righted the wrong?
I made it sound like I was in the parking lot when I realized what happened but actually I didn’t look at my slip until I had reached Des Moines.
I was puzzled at the counter by the total but since I was buying sales items, I must have felt it possible that they rang up even cheaper than believed. Then they had me sign up for some other promotion and I lost that train of thought.
That is what bothered me though, why did I immediately take time to notice in Ok. City but not in Owatonna. I guess I’m human.
i apologize for my miss interpretation of your post, i was hoping i was missing something and that is why i kept asking.
coodo’s to you for sticking with it and righting the wrong
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