Hunting in the City

  • mikeleelesnau
    southern metro
    Posts: 2

    I have a great small acreage hunting spot in 601 that I found out is non huntable according to the new city code. It states that hunting or shooting animal is prhibited. However there is refuge land located there that allows special hunts from time to time. I talked to a few peolpe at the city and they said it is a dont ask dont tell policy there about hunting on private land. Being they do allow such hunts on refuge land without any exception for it in the code makes me think they are applying it toward public land. Even the city attorney says there is no hunting allowed in the city. I have been hunting there for six years without any issues with it. Any thoughts on this.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    First of all Welcome Deer Slayer to IDO Hunting!

    WOW you hit a sore spot.

    Each city has it’s own politics and this “Gray” line tends to move all over even within a certain city, not to mention from city to city. The best advice I can give is tread lightly, do your homework, obey the laws and make sure you are covered, but don’t be afraid to be a voice either!

    If you want PM me and I can go further into detail on some of the fine points and give examples how some of the Cities finest has taken advantage of the situation before.

    Now you did it, you brought back some memories.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Welcome to the site When you say non-huntable… does this mean archery also ??? I know some cities actually sponsor in city hunts on public ground. I don’t know how they could stop you, on private property…. unless they have an ordinance or something stupid like that. You should be able to read the ordinance if it exists. As far as I know, state law, if you have permission, you can hunt with-in 500 feet of any buildings on private property, so not sure what they are saying ??? Again.. Welcome to IDO


    Welcome to the site!

    Not knowing what county you are hunting in makes it tough to speculate, but I do know that if your spot is in Ramsey county, there is no hunting allowed county-wide. Special permit archery hunts take place in certain Ramsey county refuges or parks, but there are strict rules/regulations that need to be followed. You also need to become a member of a certain interest group that puts on these hunts in order to be considered for these hunts. Hope this helps

    southern metro
    Posts: 2

    Thanks guys for the welcome. It is in henn. county and the city code actually says “the hunting or shooting of animals is prohibited. However it doesnt specify if it is on public or private land where this is applicable.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    When I was researching the goose problem here. The Wright county sheriff told me the 500 foot rule doesn’t apply if you are on private property. He said as long as you stay on your property, it doesn’t matter.

    For instance, the golf course owner could legally shoot geese in the fairway right behind my house, as long as he didn’t cross my lot line.

    That over simplifies it a bit, but I’m sure you get what I’m saying. We also have city ordinances here that require a special permit to discharge a firearm.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Welcome deerslayer09 to the site! We are glad you joined us!

    Some cities in Hennepin Co. (Orono for example) do not allow bow hunting within the city limits but they will sometimes grant permits for “nuisance deer”. You may want to check into this for the city where you hunt in.

    Here’s a copy of the Orono city rules:

    2009 Bow and Arrow Deer Hunt Instructions and Checklist
    1. Property owner must complete the Release and Indemnity Agreement form
    indicating owner will allow hunting on owner’s personal property. Property
    owner will indicate on the form how the deer have become a nuisance on the
    property and provide this form to the Orono City Hall. (The City of Orono does
    not allow deer hunting unless the deer have become a nuisance.) Attached to this
    form, the owners must provide a map of the property including the address and
    number of acres to the property being hunted. This map can be obtained from the
    Hennepin County website at:
    [Key in address and click view map, click enter website, print & print map]
    [Note: All local libraries have computers that can be used by the public]
    2. Property owner must have a minimum of five (5) acres. Two adjoining
    properties may be combined to make up the five acres, but permission forms
    must be filled out by all property owners.
    3. The number of permits given out on a property will be decided by the property
    4. All hunting must be done from a stand that is at least four (4) feet in elevation.
    5. The hunter must have the appropriate DNR license. (Include a copy with
    6. The hunter must have appropriate DNR license and the city permit on his
    person at all times while hunting.
    7. Hunter must abide by all DNR rules and regulations.
    8. The hunter, in tracking animals, must have permission from any landowner
    before retrieving deer.
    9. Permit may be revoked at any time for cause.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    That’s what I thought Kooty. Obviously, if you own the private property, you would give yourself permission also any private property owned by someone else, if they give you permission, same deal

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