New Pistol????

  • whittsend
    Posts: 2389

    I’m thinking about getting a pistol for a number of reasons. Any recommendations??

    Preferably it would have these attributes….

    1. Shoot very commmonly available ammo (cheap ammo available??) — I don’t reload
    2. Be useable for home/personal protection
    3. Be useable for self defense in wilderness situations (sidearm for bear baiting, etc…)
    4. Gun cost should be reasonable. Optimally under $500, but Definately under 1k.
    5. Not overly large and ungainly, but not super compact either.
    6. Nothing fancy necessary; however sturdy and well-built would be a must.

    Not looking for a hunting pistol, but something that can be used for mulitiple purposes and that would stop a bear/wolf/whatever if need be.

    Thanks for the opinions!!!


    Posts: 9301

    Is this something your also looking to CC?

    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    Glock..I have two and both are .40 cal…one is a model 22 and the other is a model 27….for what you sound like you would use it for 9mm would prob. work just fine…the ammo is a bit cheaper then the .40 but .40 will give you more knock down power. In my opinion Glock is one of the most reliable guns made…I am a Glock certified armor and shoot thousands of rounds through them a year…In my opinion you wont win any sharp shooting contest with them unless you modify it, but it will always shoot when needed…good luck…Jay

    Posts: 9301

    I was going to recommend either a Glock 22 or 23. Both are 40cal. I would stay away from the compensated if you are going to do any close quarter shooting and without it the recoil is not bad. I only own glock. That goes for work and personal.

    Posts: 9301

    I own a 22 and 23. I’m also buying a 27 very soon.

    Posts: 68

    Get a GLOCK you cant go wrong. . Go to the range and shoot them all a 40S&W is your best bet. Dont make a $500 mistake without shooting one. Size is another. Hold them all and buy what fits best. I own a glock 29 10mm subcompact. Its a little big but i love it! Its hard to find ammo but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Just get a Glock

    Posts: 2389


    Is this something your also looking to CC?

    DEERTRACKER – Probably not CC. Not legal (yet??) in WI, so I doubt it would be used for CC. If anything, open carry. Side holster while in the woods, etc. Personal home protection…. Erring on the side of bigger would probably be better than erring on the side of too compact, for my purposes anyway..???

    Thanks for the input so far!


    Posts: 1054

    In WI you couldn’t carry a glock for hunting. Wi has a 5 1/2 minimum barrel length. You could carry saying you had it for target shooting etc. In Wi I carry my Ruger gp100 6inch 38spcl/357 in the woods. Both cartridges are available anywhere. The 38 spcl is a great target plinking round. I never go in the without a sidearm if possible. My other gun is a glock 9mm you can’t go wrong owning one cheap ammo very reliable fun to shoot.


    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    I am a big fan of the .44 special in a Taurus revolver in whatever length suits you. they are well built, reliable, simple to opperate,resonable priced guns that pack a pretty good punch.

    Posts: 2389

    mwal –

    Good info, thanks… I don’t know much (yet) about handguns / laws / regs / etc… Nice to know about the barrel length for hunting.

    The purpose of this gun would not be for hunting, though. It would be more for open carry protection while baiting bear, self defense, and just-for-fun target shooting.

    Good info, thanks!!!

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 193

    if your looking for an auto i would buy a Ruger SR9. 9mm ammo is cheap and there a very nice gun going for around $450 right now. lots of people swear by glocks but i dont care for the feel of them personaly

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    Two of the most popular calibers are the .45ACP and the 9mm…Personally, I’m a very competent shooter, but would not want it(the 9mm) as protection from a bear of any kind, hungry or not That’s where a load of ‘hot’ .40 cal comes in but you don’t reload, so that leaves you with the .45ammo for this can at times be hard to find, but so can the 9mm, both due to their popularity.

    As far as brand of weapons, no doubt Glock gets and has earned a great reputation, but there are others and you need to shop and ‘feel’ the difference and go with what feels good to you. It has to perform for you. If you ‘shoot’ me a PM I also have some other info you might be interested in….

    SSP, MN
    Posts: 234

    .45, .45, .45 – Personal defense demands it, and since Sconny is one of the only states left without concealed carry a full sized model is best to deal with recoil. Pick up a 1911 model and you will not be disappointed. Springfield, Taurus, Kel-Tec, and Sig Sauer all make a .45 caliber 1911 in a very affordable price range

    Posts: 68

    I guess if your looking for a gun for bear a 45acp would work if you are looking for a semiauto and a carry gun



    .45, .45, .45 – Personal defense demands it, and since Sconny is one of the only states left without concealed carry a full sized model is best to deal with recoil. Pick up a 1911 model and you will not be disappointed. Springfield, Taurus, Kel-Tec, and Sig Sauer all make a .45 caliber 1911 in a very affordable price range

    x2 on the .45

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    If you weren’t in Wisconsin I’d sell you one of my Stainless Ruger GP100’s in .357 (revolver). I’ll vote for one of these. I carry mine with me hunting. You can pick one up used for $400 to $475 ig great condition under 300 rounds through it. Oh yeah you can shoot .38 and .357 through it.

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