I’ve been leasing provate hunting land for over 15 years and there are many things you may want to consider. Here’s a list along with some questions you may want to ask.
1) Make sure you are talking to the rightful land owner of the property (versus a relative).
2) Check with the county to see if the land is in some type of tax break for CRP/Managed Forest etc… This may be in conflict with the law towards a lease agreement. In other words, if the land owner is getting a break on their land taxes through the state, county or fed, they sometimes can not lease the same land out (it’s called double dipping).
3. If you lease it, can you post the property preventing tresspassing.
4. Most leases are based on wooded areas only versus tillable land. Price per acre varies dramatically based upon several factors (location, # of acres, accessibility, QDM area etc…)
5. You may want to verify the actual acreage with a county assessor.
6. Understand where you can access the land from.
7. Protect yourself and make sure you write up a lease agreeement. I once had a lease that got logged during the rut.
I currently have another lease that is for sale. Make sure you write into the lease terms and conditions to cover these.
8. Make sure you understand what the hunting lease includes (species, duration, bow, firearm, muzzleloader, late season bow etc…).
9. Are there hunter number stipulations? Be aware that many lessors draw up contracts of not only the number of hunters that are allowed on the lease but also the individual names of those hunters.
10. What type of tree stands are permitted?
11. What happens if there are tresspassers?
12. Can anyone else hunt the land?
13. When is payment expected and what terms?
14. Is the property boundries easily defined (fenceline)?
15. How close can you put up a stand next to the boundry line?
16. Was the land under any QDM practices?
17. What bucks have been harvested in the last few years?
18. Trail cam photos?
19. How many deer are estimated on the property?
20. How many deer are you able to harvest in a given year?
21. When can you get access to the land (hanging stands, scouting, shed hunting etc…)