picture posting

  • les_welch
    Posts: 1007

    can anyone tell me or point me towards the picture posting tutorial. I have a bunch of picutres that I want to add to the story as I tell it, and I don’t want to have to go through the hassle of resizing and moving them around. I have them stored as jpegs, in a file on my computer. When I try and use the IDO image upload it keeps telling me only .jpeg, .png, etc pictures are useable. Every picture I have is stored as a .jpeg, so not sure what the problem is. I’ll post an example of how they are saved. Thanks, Les

    Idaho 001.jpg This is how it is stored.

    Posts: 1007

    Thanks Ben, that is what I thought the process was, still no go though.

    Are you by chance related to Chris, who used to be in the Eau Claire area, I am thinking he had a brother named Ben?

    Posts: 2389

    I had that problem a few times… I think I renamed them and for some reason they worked. Maybe try that first???

    I know my .png won’t upload on IDO, although Halfen’s will (weird). I used a free program to batch convert all of my .png SI images over to .jpg, and it works great.

    Good luck,


    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    Whitetail…the pics are prob too big..I can only post pics from an older camera I have…my newer camera takes pics that are too big and I cant ever size them small enough to post…Im not sure if you can resize them but maybe try that…Jay

    Posts: 1007

    I tried renaming them etc, was hoping not to have to resize them also. Especially since it says size doesn’t matter. I’ll give it a shot, even though resizing 40-50 pics isn’t going to be fun!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22627

    The ideal size I have found is 800 x 600, they load fast and you still retain most of the quality. I use Irfanview to resize mine It’s a free download.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    How large are the pics you are trying to post?

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3137

    WTA – if you’re running a windows machine, it probably has Microsoft Picture Mgr. which will allow you to resize multiple pictures at once to the same size.

    On my desktop go to:

    Start–>All Programs–>Microsoft Office–>Microsoft Office Tools–>Microsoft Office Picture Manager

    From there, navigate to the folder where your pics are. All pictures should display as thumbnails in the viewer window. From there, highlight all of them (left click first one, hold “Shift”, then left click last one). Click on Edit Pictures –>Resize Pictures–>modify as a percentage of the original.

    Then make sure to save all.


    Posts: 1007

    Thanks guys, it was the size, I found a fairly easy way to resize them.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    I have found around 4000-4500 pixels total or 2000-2500 a side max it will not accept.

    Posts: 1007

    Yep, I’m between 5500-6000 pixels. Dang new camera.

    Posts: 2389


    I know my .png won’t upload on IDO, although Halfen’s will (weird). I used a free program to batch convert all of my .png SI images over to .jpg, and it works great.

    Good luck,


    Sorry, I meant to put the name of the program… Faststone resizer. Its VERY simple to batch resize/rename/convert as many images as you want. Easiest resizer I have found so far… And its free.


    Eden Prairie, MN
    Posts: 108


    Are you by chance related to Chris, who used to be in the Eau Claire area, I am thinking he had a brother named Ben?

    Yes. My older brother’s name is Chris. He still lives in the area. He is now in Chippewa Falls located right off of County Hwy J about 1 mile from the Wissota Meat Market.

    How do you know him?


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