Treesaddle stand?

  • Besox
    Posts: 592

    Anyone have one or heard of anyone using them? It looks very interesting, I was wondering how they work?

    Marshfield WI.
    Posts: 479

    The Original Tree Saddle

    Actually they can be very comfortable to the point of making it easier to sit all day. It’s really no different than sitting in a car seat, hammock or seat on a swing. You are able to move your legs and so forth so there are no pinch points to cause your feet to get cold or fall asleep. Just make sure you get one that is either your size or one size larger, if it’s too small you will be too tight and uncomfortable in the hip area.

    You can use this saddle with screw in steps, ladders, climbing sticks or whatever you prefer to get up in the tree with once you’re set you can shoot any direction completely around the tree or directly below you without any restrictions. They are very quiet to use setting up and coming down, and deadly quiet when setting up for a shot.

    Going in and out of a new hunting area is sweet because you do not have issues with your climbing stand snagging the heavy brush or any clinking of your equipment happening while sneaking into your spot. With the tree saddle it’s like wearing a pair of shorts to your stand be it walking or riding an ATV. How often have you come across a hot spot and then had to figure how to set up or you’re spot that you are in has been patterned? Now you just find a tree and set up use the branches to your advantage there are no restrictions.

    Also you are in a safety system so you cannot fall out, even if you do take a nap.

    A good way to get used of the tree saddle is to set up a tree or pole with your platform of choice be it steps or whatever you’re using a foot or two off the ground and practice your hookup and maneuvers.

    You will find that you can change positions very easily and quietly. I prefer using 4 Safe T steps (the Safe T steps won’t swing like some others) as my platform or a combination of a major tree branch and the steps or a top of a tree ladder with either the steps or a major branch.
    The leather model is heavier overall but has a large pocket in the back that’s easier to access calls, lunch, or whatever you need along that fits.

    I have a light mesh model that is depended on every year for doing all of my preseason tree work – the saddles have a built in linemen’s belt to use when climbing up or down as well as being able to working with both hands.
    I have used my leather model hunting and paired up with a few climbing sticks, the mobility is great to scout when things get hot and take advantage of a quick set up or having the ability to use some of the snarly Oaks.

    I will say that I did have one problem last year
    I sat in the saddle for 3 days straight from dark till dark during the rut and for some darn reason I ended up with a pinch in my right hip that bothered me walking for some time, otherwise prior to that I logged 5 years of use in these, with the combination of using regular hangons also thru the season.

    The most important thing I can stress is if you get one set it up close to the ground and familiarize yourself with it, for safety purposes, confidence building and becoming stealth

    I hope some of this info helps


    Posts: 592

    Very informative! Thanks for the great reply!

    crawford county WI
    Posts: 819

    always wanted to try one of those but didn’t want to spend the money thanks for the info well done. that may change my mind some trees just aren’t made for stands.

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