I’ve got some old friends George and Mary and their the best. I met them years ago and we, because of things we do like fishing and hunting have become pretty close and can ask each other for anything and we’ll try to help each other out whenever we need it, all we have to do is ask.
A friend of Georges brought over 4 squirrels that were cleaned and gave them to him and Mary and she cooked them for dinner yesterday and I wasn’t able to make it. So tonight after I got done helping Mary with here flower garden all day she gave me the rest of the cooked squirrels to take home for Cindi and I. In the food basket was a cream cheese cake with cherries, biskits and sausage gravy from this morning, Tomatoes, more mushrooms and a couple more tasty little morsels of delight.
George and Mary have so many stories to tell and their very enjoyable to listen too and to cut a joke with. Older folks get kinda lonely and they have things to do around the house that they can no longer do themselves because they just don’t have the strength to do them anymore. Something I’ve noticed is the more people who around them, probably older folks in general, it seems the more they smile and I know its visits from thier friends that makes life more enjoyable for them.
They have many stories to tell once they get to know you. George has caught so many fish and still is, hunted so many ducks, geese, pheasants, rabbits and trapped so many coons when prices were good back in the 70’s that its impressing to hear of the numbers and also to hear the many stories. George has so many fishing and hunting stories to tell that if he don’t hold the record he’s runner up.
A person should try to get to know atleast one or two older folks if they can because they have a bookful of stories to tell and another bookful of experiences to talk about, I know life’s a whole lot more enjoyable for me because I know a couple, I hope you know a couple too.