chubby kid camo

  • big_hunter
    eagan, mn
    Posts: 178

    hey guys, im trying to gear up on a budget. been lurking on the cabelas bargain cave online for deals. i found a scentlock jacket made with microtex. does anyone have experience with this fabric or is there something else you guys would recommend?? i have a quiet-enough-for-rain rain suit, but dont want to wear it unless i absolutely have to. if the weather is nicer, i dont want to risk spooking anything with a goretex lined jacket.

    i know most of the guys on here swear by gamehide. and i like their products too, but nothing you have suggested is cut for a big dude like me (hence the screen name). i need a 3x coat… any other chubby kids out there that have a hint on where to get affordable stuff. i dont want to spend more than $100 on a jacket unless theres a kick a$$ systems jacket out there thats waterproof and quiet.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Big Hunter,

    What are you exactly looking for? Bow Hunting Jacket that is or is not waterproof? How warm of a jacket are you looking for?

    As far as Gamehide goes. They often Make things in 3x and 4x but do not post it on their site. If you are interested in a particular piece let me know and I can cheek the status or get you into contact with someone over there that can see if they have what you want in a 3x. Big G from the site has had good luck doing this.

    Let me know here or via PM!

    eagan, mn
    Posts: 178

    wow, after re-reading that i couldnt have butchered that any worse… sorry!

    yes, im looking for bow hunting camo. i’d like a jacket for warmer weather. id like to get something for the early fall and spring seasons… i dont necessarily need it to be waterproof, but it sure would be nice.

    i have a microfiber type rain suit, but the waterproof liner is so noisy that when i draw back i sound like a pop tart foil!

    i was looking for suggestions on a fabric that has the best of both worlds (silent and wind/water/scent proof) that wont cost me $200 per piece..

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737


    Big Hunter,

    What are you exactly looking for? Bow Hunting Jacket that is or is not waterproof? How warm of a jacket are you looking for?

    As far as Gamehide goes. They often Make things in 3x and 4x but do not post it on their site. If you are interested in a particular piece let me know and I can cheek the status or get you into contact with someone over there that can see if they have what you want in a 3x. Big G from the site has had good luck doing this.

    Let me know here or via PM!

    X2 — me too by the way!

    I have to agree with Rob, let him know and if he doesn’t he will put you in contact with the one’s that will! As far as sizing, I know most stores only carry (on the floor) up to 2X, however; if you call around they can check other stores (Gander, Cabelas, Fleet Farm) I also know Joes often carries larger sizes. The reson I know I need a minimum 3XLT coat and 3-4X pants or bibs!

    sunrise mn
    Posts: 542


    Big Hunter,

    I can cheek the status

    I will have no part in that!

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737



    Big Hunter,

    I can cheek the status

    I will have no part in that!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370



    Big Hunter,

    I can cheek the status

    I will have no part in that!

    Big Hunter, the best light weight Rain Gear that I know of is Gamehide’s Journey Series. It is also the quietest rain gear I have seen. Is it as quiet as some of there other non rain gear stuff? No it is not. CLICK HERE to view it on their website. Where are you from? I can point you to the nearest dealer that would carry this. All the Scheels, Joe’s Sporting Goods here in the Cities, and even Fleet Farm carry this and I almost sure they have 3X. Fleet Farm carries many Gamehide items but it is under a different label – Mountain Prairie) They have the Journey pants to go with it. The top Retails for $120 and the bottoms $85 and usually you can find it for less then that. I know others that really like this rain gear for warmer weather also.

    Any other questions, just ask!

    eagan, mn
    Posts: 178

    thanks again rob! i live in eagan, and check out the lakeville FF regularly. Ill keep an eye out for the mountain prairie line, i didnt know they were part of gamehide.

    learn something new every day on this site!

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