Last Monday I decided to sit out for a morning bear hunt since my weekend was coming to a close and although I didn’t see a bear, I did manage to see a nice bull moose up close. The moose appeared about 20 yards from me and since I thought it was just another deer coming through, I didn’t have my camera ready. The moose was alerted to my frantic attempt to get the camera out of my pack and scampered off to about 100 yards. Unfortunately the picture is the only one that turned out as I couldn’t get a view of the screen because of the sunlight. I thought he was a pretty nice treat to see. While baiting the last couple weekends I had noticed moose tracks around and had hoped to see one.
The pic of the bear was shot by an older guy in camp. It was his first bear and shot it with a 30-03 model 95 Winchester (I think). It’s not the biggest bear, but he was happy and gave me a quarter of the meat for the help. I think it weighed between 210-220 dressed out when they registered it.