Mosquitos = Bad

  • muskybones
    Posts: 372

    ok i hunt the buffalo river in WI. so with all the water means that the Mosquitos are very thick. i bought a thermacell and it dose not seem to work. do i have to let it sit in order to get a them away. or what are some other ways to keep them away.

    Posts: 6441

    fire it up and lay it on your stand next to you they will go away

    Marshfield WI.
    Posts: 479

    We just had a real bad hatch of young small mosquitoes and they are terrible even mid day you walk around on the lawns and their all over and thick,

    We had thermacells going and spray to deter them the last few days outside

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290

    When they are that bad, all the bug spray in the world wont help. Just get a bug suit and deal with the noise, the thermacells work to a point but i havent had one get rid of everything.

    Hudson WI
    Posts: 491

    Used my Thermacell first time this morning in my blind. Started off really thick. Took about half an hour and I didn’t have any more problems. I let it run for about an hour then turned it off. No more bugs the next 4 hours before I packed it up for the day.

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