My string of luck continues!

  • deertracker
    Posts: 9301

    After rolling the lawn mower at the cabin last week and hurting my back I thought what else could go wrong. Well, yesterday I was mowing by some trees at my house when I was attacked by bees. I was stung approximately 10 times on the head, arm and hand. I think what had happened is I scared a snake into a hole in the ground. The snake came right back up the hole which I thought was weird. It must of been a bee hive that he went into and pissed them off. They then took it out on me.

    Posts: 6441

    note to self dont hang out with deer tracker

    sorry bout your luck

    i tweeked my back and got stung once last week but you got me covered

    Posts: 9301

    Bad luck comes in 3’s. I will be wearing my safety harness all season.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337


    note to self dont hang out with deer tracker

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