He did it again. Our youngest, Jacob (now 6), broke his left arm last night. He busted his right arm last winter (which required 2 surgeries – pins, etc). That healed up fine.
Around 5:30ish last night he was walking along the retaining wall (about 3 feet high) that wraps around the walk-out entrance to our basement. The kids always want to walk along the edge of this – and I always get after them for doing so. They’re just doing what kids do, and I’m doing what dad’s do.
He stumbled, fell and tried to break his fall with his arm. I heard the scream from inside the house. I’ve only heard that scream from him once before. As I ran out to him he was clutching his left wrist crying out, “I broke my other arm! I broke my other arm!”
We immobilized it, iced it and had him stay put for 30 minutes. It looked fine. He could move his wrist and fingers and wasn’t complaining of severe pain. We figured it was no big deal. At dinner, he was sitting there, eating and talking (while resting his arm on the table), when he turned to me with teary eyes and said, “Dad, I won’t be able to fold my hands together tonight when we say bedtime prayers.” He then told us that it was still hurting him pretty bad. So, I took him into the ER. By the time we were seen by a Dr. (probably 1 1/2 hours later), he was apparently fine. Joking. Swinging his arm around. Wiggling his fingers and bending his wrist. I’m thinking that we’ve over-reacted and I tell the Dr. this as he checks him out. The X-rays revealed otherwise. He has a “buckle fracture” near the wrist. Not a major break, but he’s in a splint for the balance of the week (to accommodate swelling) and then will be in a cast for a handful of weeks.