More Wolves…

  • #205929

    Was up at the cabin this past weekend in Danbury, WI, and it seems like we got quite a wolf population brewing.

    Neigbor spotted 2 wolves with pups in his yard last weekend, and a family member of mine saw another one cross the road about 100yds in front of our driveway yesterday. DNR states that there are two seperate packs of wolves, both of which appear to be located extremely close to my cabin.

    Kinda makes you a little nervous bringing the dog outside, considering 2 bear dogs have been killed in Burnett county already…

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    My place is just east of you. I’m careful with my dog. I was hunting by Minong last fall when my dog was approached by a wolf. Got within 40 yards. Luckily she was close. The wolf disapeared after it saw me. Sure was eery.

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    shoot,shovel,shut up is the key.

    Posts: 9309

    Just make sure it is not wearing a tracking collar. That happened in northern MN last year.

    Posts: 539


    shoot,shovel,shut up is the key.

    Man I hate hearing this. I’m anxiously waiting for the DNR and the bunny huggers to open a season. I’ve got a special place in my game room for a big black alpha male.

    Wolves were here long before people. No reason they shouldn’t be allowed to live in their own habitat. Of course they’ll need to be managed.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136


    shoot,shovel,shut up is the key.

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinions here, which is what makes it the great place that it is.

    However, I would like to point out not only the potential penalties such as fines, jailtime, and/or loss of hunting priveledges and property, I would urge fellow sportsmen to consider what damage that does to our public image. I would also remind folks that such posts are incriminating should one ever be implicated with such a shooting.

    Whether we like it or not, hunting, fishing, and gun-control will likely be topics that are ultimately settled by a primarily non-hunting public. Not to mention, it severely damages the possibility of us actually being able to hunt this population of wolves responsibly as Ruger pointed out.

    As many of you know, I’m an avid turkey hunter that curses deer up and down all spring. How would most of you feel if I shot, shoveled, and shutup to suit my immediate needs as a turkey hunter?

    Whether we feel wolves evolved to deserve a place on this planet or not, hopefully we can agree that taking fish/game laws into our own hands makes us no better than lawbreakers that selectively pick/choose which regulations they intend to follow on a particular day.

    Thanks for listening,


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987


    shoot,shovel,shut up is the key.

    I think the poster was just telling everyone how it is in the real world. Isolated residents in wolf country have a different perspective than the rest of us arm-chair biologists. This has been going on since wolves bounced back and it certainly hasn’t curtailed population increases. Taking a few out and putting the fear of man into them sounds like the way I would want it handled if they were thick around my house. .02

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    True Mike and I have similar feelings as you.

    I’m in belief as a Hunter/ Conservationist that wolf populations need to be managed for the safety of people and that of the wolf and all wildlife. However, like it or not the last time I checked shooting a Wolf in the US is currently against Federal Law period. I think that is what Joel was saying.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Agreed. That’s why the third S is so important.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Sorry Mike, I didn’t realize I pointed you out personally. That was not my intention and for that I apologize.

    My intention was to remind everyone of the fact, that it is against Federal Law to kill a Wolf, no matter what we feel or our opinions.

    Central WI
    Posts: 594

    Well said Joel!

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