What do you like in a TV Hunting Show?

  • Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6101

    IDO will be behind the camera a lot this year trying to capture a variety of hunts (turkey, deer, bear, upland, waterfowl and predator). The purpose of this post is to find out what our members like or dislike when it comes to watching hunting shows on TV and on the internet.

    What is your favorite TV hunting show and why?

    What would you like to see more of in a hunting show?

    What are your likes/dislikes?

    Posts: 79

    my favorites are hands down drury outdoors and arrow affliction. I have no idea what they do but they have a to keep you interested


    Waumandee, WI
    Posts: 695

    I really like the Drury outdoors.
    The thing I would like to see others do a little better is explaine things better. Drury Outdoors does a pretty good job but some of the other ones need a lot of improvement.
    I like seeing emotion but only if it’s real. I do not like listening to heavy metal music when I am watching a hunting show. I like it when they include the green score of the deer somewhere on the screen. I enjoy guessing.

    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    Sounds wierd but I like to see mistakes happen in hunting shows…real life situations that I can relate to I like to watch…The shows where they are in the stand for 5 min and shoot the booner and nothing before or after that hunt dont interest me much..If they have the prep work they did before and after that got them the big boy I get much more out of it. I guess what Im trying to say is I enjoy shows that show the “whole hunt” not just the kills…Jay

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Im the same way Jay, forget the hype because it turns me off. Start at the beginning, the stalk, setup and why they chose that area, then the hunt. Thats what I liked about Tony Dean, no hype just good fishing and hunting and you were right there with him. I don’t want to be commercialized and hyped to death, im supposed to enjoy it. Take me hunting and nothing else.

    West Central Wisconsin
    Posts: 244

    Keep it real! No high fences or guide services. It turns me off to see someone hunting in a stand that was setup by an outfitter then the guy or gal that shoots the deer gets all the credit.

    If you’re truly a hunter, then hunt and show how you did it. Don’t be afraid to show a little blood either like tracking the deer and then truly finding the deer on camera. Real emotions of finding a deer are easy to spot. Fake, staged emotions are even easier to spot. I’ll quit watching in a heartbeat when I see a fake show and won’t come back!

    Posts: 79

    seeing mistakes and how they get setup and explain what they are doing and what everyone is saying here is what i look for in a show and i think arrow affliction shows that well that’s why i like the show and other shows like it.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 2080

    I have to say one of my favorites right now is the Bone Collector series and The Crush with Lee and Tiff. I like to see some humility and honesty when I watch a show, not just a choreographed kill shot on a booner. The Bone Collector flat out makes me laugh, those guys kill me, but you can tell that there is a deep passion in what they are doing and that strikes home for me. I like to here what, where, how and why they have chosen their stand sites and what type of pattern they’ve observed.

    Lee and Tiffany’s show proves that nothing comes easy. If you ever watch their show, they flat out work their off, they are always planting, cutting or hanging stands, lots of work goes into what they love. It isn’t just some celebrity invited to some prime land with a prime stand to pick off a shooter.

    Anoka county
    Posts: 302

    I know it is difficult but I would like to see more shows of upland and waterfowling on public land. I really like some of the shows that show these guys getting up early to beat others to spots. Thats what I do and I like to see.

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    whatever you do, don’t make it a tv show like Midwest Outdoors and Kent Herbek Outdoors where all it is is a half hour of advertising It gets frustrating when you dont have cable or satellite and each week you look forward to watching fishing/hunting in the morning on saturdays and end up watching…crap

    durand WI
    Posts: 317

    I like everything real,no reinactment if you dont get it all on film just tell the story and i also agree with showing the recovery of the animal even if u have to put another shot on it. dont make a bad shot and the next thing u see is you holding the animal because thats not the whole story

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Great comments and I beleive Brad and I feel the same way as many of you do. Keep the comments coming as we are filming as we speak and have some footage already close to done with editing.

    Posts: 1007

    Ummm…Tiffany , course Lee & Tiff, already know that.

    Joking aside, I prefer the Eastmans show. They are top notch at public land DIY hunts, especially those backpack in style hunts.

    Primos, Drury’s, Lee & Tiff, Kisky’s, Steve Snow, Mitch Hagen, and Jeff & Greg Miller put together some excellent stuff..

    Has to be real, a lot of people are way to over the top now a days. Stan Potts’, “folks, ya gotta give me minute” was real, and genuine. Too many people trying to hard now, to be somebody they are not.

    I will not watch any fence shows, or support companies who sponsor, fence shows. i.e Bowtech’s Western Extremes, to me the absolute worst show on television.

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2274

    I am sure this goes with out saying for the IDO videos, but…….local land, local hunters, local animals, fair chase. I don’t think we need any big celeb hunters showing us how to edit their footage. Just guys that love to hunt and that get excited over the harvest. I love it when a guy has real emotion and has to sit down or fall out of his tree.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22262

    Watch anything with Jackie Bushman… then do the opposite

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 756


    Watch anything with Jackie Bushman… then do the opposite

    Now that’s funny….

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6101



    Watch anything with Jackie Bushman… then do the opposite

    Now that’s funny….

    What? Don’t you guys like to watch Buckmasters “a deer hunting show” and then tune in to see Jackie is a tight wetsuit noodling for catfish?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22262

    It’s like a bad BK dream …???? or nightmare…

    West Central Sconni
    Posts: 415

    I’m with Mr. Brantner on this one. If I even hear that a show MIGHT hunt a fenced area I won’t watch it. I think that is a bunch of junk… to say it lightly.

    I’m also in agreeance with Jay. I like seeing the preparation as well as failed hunts/opportunities, etc.

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 699

    I’d also like to see ‘real’ hunts where locals go out to bag an animal that they’ve been after for months or years. Hunting shows should be about knowledge, not about $$$.

    But the thing that shows have to keep in mind is that almost everyone wants to see a trophy taken. The casual watcher wants to see that big buck being held up by the hunter. The thing that gets me going is when you watch a half hour show and nothing gets killed. Now as a hunter, I realize you don’t get something every time, but if it’s on TV and there are PROS involved, don’t show me 30 minutes of squirrels and does. Now if they had a missed shot on film it’s a different story.

    And one last thing…don’t shoot a 100″ buck and tell me it’s 140 and don’t catch a 2lb fish and tell me it’s 5.

    SSP, MN
    Posts: 234

    Hunt where we hunt, hunt how we hunt, hunt what we hunt. If I see another big name host deer hunting in Texas I am going to puke.

    Explain what you do, how you do it and why. Be realistic, most guys dont have 1,000 acres of land to work with so I don’t care to see you hunting on leased property managed for huge whitetails. It’s boring, we know the outcome. Hunt some tight spots with limited stand sights. Hunt a crowded lake on the waterfowl opener. Hunt pressured turkey’s on public land. This is what we do, most of us, the last thing we need is another show selling us a pipe dream hunt under perfect conditions. It’s disingenuous to say the least. Show me a real hunt under real conditions that I am likely to face.

    Last but not least, please don’t tell me that you never would have harvested the animal without your Scent-Lock camo, Mathews bow, Rage broadheads, Benelli shotgun etc. We know it can be done, most of us have done it with something else and it insults our intelligence.

    Other than that, can’t wait for the show!

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    There are too many deer hunting shows out there already. Some are filmed well, some are filmed poorly…..but in the end, they’re all the same = boring!!! If it’s just deer and turkey’s you’re gonna lose me quick!

    Do something different…….Coyote or fox hunting under a full moon would be interesting.

    Maybe a rabbit slaughter behind a pack of beagles.

    Ever seen crow hunting on TV? That would be cool!

    You can shoot sand hill cranes and swans in Canada/dakotas.

    A GOOD snow goose hunting show will blow peoples minds.

    A float trip down a small river for late season ducks/geese.

    Bowfishing where there are piles of shallow carp?

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    there needs to be more bow fishing hands down!!!!! If anyone has ever done it, there is nothing like shooting one that weighs 20+ pounds and fighting it with a string Watching a group of carp swimming single file up a stream or in a lake and waiting for the right time is so intense

    Tom O.
    Willmar Mn.
    Posts: 52

    The ones I like are, The Bone Collector , Archers Choice, and The Crush to name a few. The reason would be they are everyday people having fun during and after the hunt. The type of people you could enjoy having in camp. Tell the story and tips the way you would to your hunting partners in your camp. To me this makes it real and gets the fever going.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Like others have said,,Please please please keep the commercialization to a minumum.. Now i’m not talking commercial breaks, obviously that’s gotta happen. I’m talking about this: YOu just corked a monster and then spend the next 6 minutes describing how this woulda never happened without your XYZ Bow,,and oh, Don’t forget the XYZ broadheads and your XYZ scent proof suit! Wait, you would have never been able to climb that tree without your XYZ boots and the socks inside. NOthing turns me off and a lot of people I know by doing this. Some? yes. I get that but keeping that to a minimum is a huge plus.

    Also, like others have said, take 30 seconds to describe the situation, layout and reasons why you’re hunting this property.. I love the episodes where they take a few extra minutes of air time to show the actual set up. I know that’s not possible in most cases but really give the viewer a real life picture of what you’re doing.

    To me it’s not all about the hunt and more so the kill. Show us the reality of what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Stay away from the obvious and give us your little tricks and trades of what is drawing you to this spot on this day,,other than wind direction . I believe there was a forum here last fall on tips and ideas. I truely believe this is what viewers are looking for. Differentiate yours show from others out there. That is what will make it successful. Stick to the basics of what made this website a success and focus on your target viewer. The rest should fall into place. I’m sure you will learn as you go and make mistackes but keep in mind why your are going the extra mile by putting together the shows and you will do great!

    Oh,and, EMOTION EMOTION EMOTION!!! IMO that will get you further than any on air advertisement! Nothing better than hearing the tremble in the shooters voice after he just pierced a dandy at 11 yards! Good luck!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Thanks Guys.

    I think our “envision” is the same as many of your statements above. We would definitley hold true to our name as this is In-Depth Outdoors. So there would be way more to the hunt then just the harvest. That is what we pride ourselves and love here @ IDO. There is a long road before a Hunting “Show” is formed, if ever. However, we are capturing footage of hunts this Spring and Fall and the above information will be useful. The hunts will future IDO people (Staff and some members), friends and family hunting around the upper Midwest and maybe Canada on private and public land.

    Jake to answer your question/let you know. Our footage, especially in the beginning will be Deer “heavy” as that is what the most of this site is. Look at the number of posts in the Deer forum compared to others and that will tell you our biggest interest. It is IDO’s goal to grow ALL the forums to be as busy as the deer forum.. With that said our plans right now is of course to capture as much deer footage as possible. We are gathering turkey footage as we read this post and will have some footage available on the site in the VERY near future.

    Along with Deer footage this fall we hope o capture some footage of a few upland bird hunts, with hopefully a goose or waterfowl hunt or 2, predator hunting is definitely on the radar, along with hopes of a bear hut or 2. Our hope is IDO Hunting continues to grow and these other hunts and forums get expanded and more coverage, but you need to start somewhere.

    We are looking forward to this adventure and do not know what the future will hold, but we thank you for the input.

    Posts: 21

    My favorite show is Ted Nugent’s spirit of the wild. It’s so weird that it keeps me oddly entertained.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22262

    Spoken like a True “Blood Brother”…Boooyahhhh !!!

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