Hey all please read this and if you want anything to do with night time bow fishing please follow thru with this. last year they opened a few lakes in my areafor a “trial run” and what a blast, im posting it on the fishing site as well…please read…thanks Jay
I am sending this email to those of you that I have taken out bowfishing in the past. I would like each of you to do me a small favor. Our local MN bowfishing club has legislation pending in both the House and Senate that will legalize nighttime bowfishing statewide in MN and we need as many Sportsman as we can to let our leaders know that this is a good thing and ask for their support. Form letters have already been drafted, all you have to do is go to the link below, enter your zip code, click SEND and letters will be sent.
1) Stop what you are doing right now and give me just 10 minutes of your time
2) Click on the link below and follow the simple directions – you can personalize each letter if you want for greater impact, I did.
3) E-mail me back the names of the Congressman that your letters were sent to
4) Forward this letter onto family and friends and have them e-mail me the names of the congressmen that received their letter
5) Sending the link below in a text message is another way to reach your friends if you don’t have their e-mail address.
People that I receive responses back will be given a significantly higher priority when it comes time to fill my boat on future bowfishing trips!