
  • fishinallday
    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    Just looking to vent to a few guys that will understand.

    Over the last 2 weeks we had to move my Grandpa into a nursing home. He’s the one that gave me my passion for the out doors. The thought of never sharing a blind again is killing me.

    There’s far more to this story. And we’ve been blessed with 19 years we weren’t supposed to have. But I can’t stop being selfish and wishing time could be turned back.

    Be sure to thank those that made you who you are.


    Posts: 9325

    I kind of know what you are going through. This will be the first fishing opener since my dad has passed. I’m sure you had many great memories, and pictures to help remember the good times.

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Chriss, Although my grandparents were not big outdoors people I understand your concern for him as alot of his everyday freedoms are limited. My advice is to visit him often to share your stories of your outdoor adventures. Take plenty of pictures as they always make the stories that much more interesting. Plain and simple, let him know and thank him for being such a positive influence of what you have become and it will make smiling about the situation a little easier.

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    chriss, you could try and talk to him about it?? maybe ask him if its really a selfish feeling, or is it just love and concern? Either way, he would be flattered that you are upset that he has to make that transition.

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