Scope ?

  • walleye4383
    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 92

    Just got a T/C Encore for my B-Day and was wondering what a good sope for a muzzleloader is.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I would go with Nikons BDC for Muzzle loader. It takes away the guessing game at different ranges. Plus Nikon puts out some pretty good optics for the money!

    Central MN/SJU
    Posts: 241

    My dad just bought the Nikon BDC or whatever Lip Ripper called it, this year and absolutely loved it. And it wasn’t to terrible expensive at the same time. Like Lip Ripper said, pretty good optics for the money.

    Posts: 25

    Check out the LEUPOLD Ultimate Slam scope it is made for muzzleloaders and shotguns. It is a 3-9×40 with a similar reticle to the bdc, myself and two buddies used them this year and found them to be more accurate than the NIKON and not quite as much money.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22895

    What muzzleloader are you using ? I always thought the Nikon BDC was built around the T/C’s ??? How much more accurate ? Are you talking inches or more ??? I want to get a scope for my Omega and all I have heard is the Nikon BDC is the bomb ??? Thanks.

    big G

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 92

    What do you guys like for a base and rings to mount the scope on?

    Posts: 25

    We did alot of shooting last year with the new LEUPOLD and the NIKON, I am shooting a TC PRO HUNTER, what I found was the LEUPOLD has solid dots in the reticle while the NIKON has open circles. I myself preferred the solid dots at long range it seemed like there was less margin for error compared to the open circle, and they were easier to see in low light conditions. When I switched from the NIKON to the LEUPOLD it tightened my groups by more than a few inches from 150 to 250 yards. Check them out we are all very happy with them.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I can see your point totally and makes sense. I have a B&C Reticle on my Rifle by Burris and love the exactness of the crosshairs. I ‘m guessing it is a trademark or patent deal and each optic company had to come up with their own. One has cross hairs, one has dots and the other circles.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22895

    Thanks I will check them out

    big G

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 92

    Well I went with a Nikon Buckmaster 3×9 with the regular crosshairs. I haven’t had a chance to shoot it yet but I think it is going to make a nice scope.

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