• adamgdunn
    Posts: 152

    Let me first start by saying that the land in this post is not mine however, the owner is a good friend of mine. He live a few miles away and asks me to watch his land for him when he is not around. This land also is offlimits to hunting as part of the purchase contract. The only hunting permited with in the contract is for coyotes due to livestock issues. And one man and his gradson are allowd to hunt turkey other than that NO HUNTING for 3 more years.
    I hunt and trap the coyote for Roger, and to keep them away from my farm.
    That being said I went out this morning to run the line, on top of the ridgeline I notice boot tracks. Comming from the river. “There is no acess from down that way….” So I thought, maybe Roger has come out to check on things and make sure his gates and fences don’t need any fixing.
    I went down one of the fingers that drops into the creek bottom and found more tracks. “OK this is not Roger!” Roger is a rather large man who does not walk down steap ridgelines. I followed the tracks further to find a 12ga slug casing, then a little further the impact area. I found the gut pile along with where they drug the deer out. These guys knew they were not to be there. The property is land locked on three sides and the forth side is bordered by the Des Moines River and the Senic Valley Railroad track. The POACHER(S) drug the deer to the tracks then alone the tracks near a mile to the closest road.
    I hate poacher!!!!! Now I will be walking the fence lines twice a day with a 30/30. I’ll be there when they come back and all of us will have a nice long talk with the Sheriff!

    Central, MN
    Posts: 1110

    Please follow up on how things turn out. Remember the “When is poaching, not poaching?” Post. Maybe the person who shot the deer is out of a job and down on their luck? What if they can’t afford to put food on the table? This might be the only way they can? LOL

    i hope you catch em’ and they get the book

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    but didn’t the topic “when is poaching, not poaching” have to do with “poaching” on YOUR property and not trespassing on someone else’s property??

    Posts: 152

    Well boys, I gottem lastnight! I dropped down into the bottoms with my riffle to “VARMINT hunt.” Wouldn’t you know it, I got two! Around 3:30 I saw a flock of turkey come running down the creek bed as if teh devil himself was at their tails. So I tucked up under a cedar tree to see what might be chasing them. I figured it to be a pack of the naughty little K-9s but oh no. It was something much bigger and not nearly as smart.
    Here comes two guys tromping through the leaves right towards me. I started to wiegh my options wondering what exactly I should do. I didn’t really want to start a fight with both of them and who knows how many more that I couln’t see. Beings that we were all armed I figured that tack was probly the best method.
    I stood up as they pasted and they still didn’t notice me, great hunters.
    “Hey, what are you guys doing down here?” I think one of the guys dropped a load in his shorts. “Uh we’re looking for a deer.” Really? I said, do you know where you are?. Yeah. Well you know that there is no deer hunting on this land right? Well we talked to the owner. What is his name?… no answer. SO you didn’t talk to any one and you ignored the no trespassing signs huh? Well we uh….. I’ll tell you what guys. I saw the truck you came in and wrote down the plate number(total BS). So what I am going to do is get Roger on the phone since it is his land and we’ll see what he wants to do. I’m sure the Brady,(Local cop friend) can be out here in just a few min to talk to all of you.
    Well, that spooked them and they said that they needed to get home. They took off the way they came dialing cell phones as fast as they could. I in the mean time walked up the ridge line and got back to the farm with my binos. I watched as two trucks came flying up from the dead end gravel road I live on. Got the plate numbers and called the Local PD.
    At church later that night Brady filled me in on the rest. The cops caught up with these guys at the local Casey’s and check them out. I guess they had been crossing fence lines all over the place. I was just the first to give plate numbers. A few different guys are gonna press trespassing charges and there is to be one poaching charge at this time.

    As for taking deer to feed your family because you can’t do anything else. Hey that is ok with me, but DON’T do it on someone else’s land!!!!!!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4338

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    I love a happy ending!

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    nice work buddy how old were these clowns??

    Posts: 152

    I would guess late 20’s for one and the other was in his 40’s

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    father son maybe

    SE, MN
    Posts: 470

    Nice catch DUNN. People like that give hunters a bad name.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464


    I love a happy ending!

    Don’t we all!


    Nice catch DUNN. People like that give hunters a bad name.

    To be more accurate, people like that give people a bad name. Doesn’t usually matter what they are doing if it is hunting, biking, ATVing, camping, or whatever they are giving it a bad name.

    Posts: 6443

    i love it when a plan comes together

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22664

    big G

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Good for you Dunn and those landowners for pressing charges.
    Most of the trespassers get away with it and keep doing it because landowners are afraid of repercusions or revenge from the outlaws.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Good job Dunn, if it were my or a neighbors land Id be grateful too.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6101

    Way to go Dunn!

    Posts: 152

    I can’t say that it was an entirly selfless act. I am hoping to get sole rights for bow hunting when the land is paid off

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